
I am a member of a general science forum (scienceforum.com).

The website has been successfully attacked by a hacker(s) in the sense it is not possible, for anyone, to gain access.

How long does it normally take to solve this problem?

I suppose it can vary, and depends on the expertise of those trying to sort things out, the time they have available, and the ability of the hacker.


Don't know how long, it can matter how many staff are available to undo the damage and of course what the damage was.

A forum I used to visit allot many years ago was down for 2 days once, that's how long it took them to restore from a clean backup copy they had - which of course also meant any recent posts and topics were purged in the restoration.

It's pretty close to impossible to estimate a time for an issue like this, when enough information is known. Your post doesn't even give enough to even meet that standard. So my guess is sometime between now and never.

It's pretty close to impossible to estimate a time for an issue like this, when enough information is known. Your post doesn't even give enough to even meet that standard. So my guess is sometime between now and never.

I thought it would be very difficult, if not impossible, to give an estimate, but I just wanted that confirmed or otherwise.

Given the fact the website is not available, at present, what kind of extra information would a layperson be expected to possess?

Given the fact the website is not available, at present, what kind of extra information would a layperson be expected to possess?

And once in possession of said information, what could you do with it?

And what info do you think you can get/need?

As any normal member of any forum, you are just a slave to the forum software and the forum administrators.

If the site is down, it is what it is, and (hopefully) they are doing everything in their power, on behalf of their members, to get it back up again.

That very thing happened to this forum last week. It was unavailable for a couple of days until the powers-that-be sorted their stuff out.

Yes this forum was down last weekend, which is the worst time for getting needed attention to fix an issue.