Well I will have to disagree with you guys. There were a couple tracks I liked but not anything amazing and the rest were filler to me. The CD sounds like it had a musical vasectomy Axle should get his crap together and get back with the original guys.
Axle is nothing without Slash and Izzy. Take a look at the who wrote many of the big hits on Use Your Illusion I and II. It was Izzy which many don't realize because he stayed in the back ground while Axle made a complete idiot of himself and single handedly destroyed a great band.
I rarely ever get stoked about an album, but this one is totally gonna be a trip to the store for me! Even bad Guns N Roses is better then good music by a lot of bands!
And rridgely, I think you were in diapers when gnr first came out, but i (and probably andavari too) can recall the awesomeness that it was when appetite came out! lol......i still think its one of the best albums of all time!
I rarely ever get stoked about an album, but this one is totally gonna be a trip to the store for me! Even bad Guns N Roses is better then good music by a lot of bands!
And rridgely, I think you were in diapers when gnr first came out, but i (and probably andavari too) can recall the awesomeness that it was when appetite came out! lol......i still think its one of the best albums of all time!
Trust me, I remember it too very well. Been a fan since "Appetite" came out and saw the original band (exept Steven Adler) 4 times and the "new" Guns 2 times.
Actually I heard the "Live ?!*@ Like a Suicide" EP in '86 I think, but it didnt really caught me ears until "Appetite" came out.
"Chinese" is an awesome album, I dont skip a song on it, but still it is more Axl Rose than a real Guns album if you know what I mean.
And rridgely, I think you were in diapers when gnr first came out, but i (and probably andavari too) can recall the awesomeness that it was when appetite came out! lol......i still think its one of the best albums of all time!
I'll leave the in diapers comment alone.
I remember it very well and the old 1987 Appetite For Destruction recording is still one of my favorites out of 2000+ audio CDs I own.
Well I got a chance to listen to it, and I have to say I LOVE IT! I'm not much for the ballads, but never really was. But there are some pretty good tunes on there that make it worth the purchase!
And 2000 albums? Holy that's a lot! I don't think i even KNOW 2000 albums!