GUI problems with 144 DPI


there are some minor glitches on systems with non standard DPI settings, as seen on the screenshot (taken from a system with 144 DPI)


Windows XP:

Display Properties -> [TAB] Settings -> [button] Advanced -> [TAB] General? -> Display -> DPI-Settings

p.s. i don't know if i guessed the english names right, as is use a german windows version



I think it's your font size. The buttons don't wrap text.

Well of course it's the font size... but that's not the user's fault, it's CCleaner's fault for not scaling the form and components to the DPI.

It's easy to do in Delphi, but maybe not so easy in VB ...

In Delphi, I simply turn auto-scaling off in the form properties, and use this code in every form:

procedure TYourForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);begin if Screen.PixelsPerInch <> PixelsPerInch then ScaleBy(Screen.PixelsPerInch, PixelsPerInch); {...the rest of your FormCreate procedure...}end; 

And like magic, everything turns out perfectly.