Gourmet macaroni and cheese

I just finished my lunch that I made starting with a box of macaroni and cheese.

Ken's gourmet macaroni and cheese:

I started by getting the recommended water boiling and throwing in 4 large chopped garlic clove segments, 1/4 diced medium onion, macaroni box contents, 1/4 cup chopped ham and a handful spaghetti pieces with a dash of Italian spices, salt and pepper.

I let that simmer for about 10 minutes then drained most of the liquid then put in 1/4 cup butter and milk then stirred in the cheese mix and chopped a small bit of additional cheese.

I ate some of it with a slice of toasted dark rye.

I'll keep the rest for lunch tomorrow.

Its miserable outside -4C and snowing like crazy with a forecast of 10-15cm or 3-5 inches.

I could never be a polar explorer.

iam not a fan of macaroni and cheese. however, this recipe sounds tempting. goes well with fried chicken or burgers -yum

I'm not a fan of it myself but I like to cook and I watch the Food channel a bit so I try to incorporate some of the things I see there.

I'm real short of money right now so I have to be fugal and I have lots of time so I enjoy turning something ordinary into something I can have a bit of enjoyment with.

I think kenny the way things are going for lots of folk, a lot more people will have to start being more inventive with their recipes.

I think kenny the way things are going for lots of folk, a lot more people will have to start being more inventive with their recipes.

Yeah like Tree Bark Soup, if there is such a thing. Or just put off disgusts in things other cultures regularly eat, and start munching on insects.

I love onions! I'd consider making Macaroni and Cheese..and Onion! :D

Sounds good kenny.

It's snowing here too quite a lot.

Yeah like Tree Bark Soup, if there is such a thing. Or just put off disgusts in things other cultures regularly eat, and start munching on insects.

I like No Reservations by Anthony Bourdain that I see on the Discovery Channel here:


Last one I saw he was in Jeddah Saudia Arabia and he ate camel and goat plus a few other interesting things.

When I was in Jakarta Indonesia ages ago I went out with the people I was working with and we had to go to a big mens communal wash up area to wash our hands then we went back for a delicious meal but I found that I could not stop the rice from going everywhere because my fingers make a poor fork.

In my travels working for IBM I have eaten many a different meal in many countries with Frits Au Mules in Brussels Belgium near the Grand Place and Curry Fish Head soup in Singapore.

I could not eat the fish eyes though.