Google Web creator

Anyone try this app out? It seems google is getting into pretty much everything!

Google is your friend :P

Links usually help.

Don't worry about hosting.

Your web pages will live on your own site at

Can you create your page and use your own hosting?

Maybe this is just going to be Google's version of myspace. I saw some screenshots and it looked like a pretty good interface but its not really the kind of thing I would use. Myspace=EVIL.. Googlespace probably the same. :P


Can I ask why you think that?

I see no reason to regard it as evil.

For me it's Metapad or Notepad that I use to code an HTML document, all manually by hand though - which sort of stinks if I can't remember some HTML code right away.

Can I ask why you think that?

I see no reason to regard it as evil.

I don't know why I can't stand it so much. We already have IM, Email, telephones, letters, and whatever else I'm leaving off. To me the people who I would talk to on myspace are the same people I would talk to on the phone. Who else wants to know about your personal life other then people you know if real life? I like email but I'm not really a fan of IM so I guess thats why I didn't really get into mypace. I guess I like more personal communication with people I know in real life.

As far myspace being evil.. well to tell you the truth you never hear anything good about it(or I don't.) I always hear things about bad ads infecting people with spyware, some kid gets killed because he meets some psycho he met on myspace, ect. I know there are things like this have happened in all online communication but myspace seems to be a hot bed of it recently. Is it their fault, no(well maybe the spyware thing) but to be honest they aren't exactly bringing in the most knowledgeable Internet users, so maybe they should do something to make it more idiot proof. I saw a story recently where they just patched a bug where people were able to see others' private messages or pages. So the privacy factor isn't very high either. Maybe I'm misjudging it, but its not really my cup of tea anyway.

I use it, and have met some really interesting people. Ive actually started to make a few friends in my town through it, and we communicate regularly. I guess like anything else it can be used for good things or bad things.

The Web Creator is actually one of the more useful things to come from Google; the interface is very noob-friendly, many times more so than Geocities. I'm actually making a club website for my high school using it, but plan on doing the major html and more advanced stuff in DreamWeaver.

Yeah, I think I very briefly tried it out. It is good for noobs. :)

Personally, as Andavari, I prefer to write the HTML code by hand using Notepad. I know all tags, but if you forget, you can use a reference list.

I'm too lazy to do it by hand. NVU all the way. :P

(keep in mind I'm not making high tech websites though. Dreamweaver is awesome but I would never use all the stuff it does and its a little expensive.)

NVU all the way.

I didn't know that Nvu was taking over where Mozilla Composer left off, and I liked Mozilla Composer so much it was the only reason I ever even installed Mozilla Suite in the first place. I'll have to check out Nvu because I really miss Mozilla Composer!

@ rridgely

Thanks for mentioning Nvu. It's awesome!

I don't like WYSIWYG editors. I like to have total control and mold everything with deadly precision myself.

I don't like WYSIWYG editors. I like to have total control and mold everything with deadly precision myself.

Its so boring though. :(

The good thing about most of them you can get the basic lay out done and if you want something specific you can go into the html tab and edit if from there.

NVU is pretty cool. Its saved me a lot of time on a few occasions.