The google toolbar has just been released out of beta. I normally hate toolbars but with this one you can actually edit the buttons! Which means you can get rid of everything except what you want. I removed everything except the spell checker.(everyone knows I need it. )
Yeah, I didn't need the rest of the junk that comes with it. Firefox already has a google search bar, but I might try to start using the page fill feature as well though.
I am impressed that you made the spell check botton appear on the main standard botton line. i did not know that was possible. I would have assumed you had an extra toolbar.
Why didn't you use one of those fancy FF extensions we are always hearing about?
I am impressed that you made the spell check botton appear on the main standard botton line. i did not know that was possible. I would have assumed you had an extra toolbar.
That is the reason I normally dont use any toolbars. They take up screen space.
Why didn't you use one of those fancy FF extensions we are always hearing about?
Forgot about that one. I had tried it a while ago but uninstalled it for some reason(I honestly don't remember why). If I decide I just hate the google one I will reinstall it and tell you why I didnt like it.
Forgot about that one. I had tried it a while ago but uninstalled it for some reason(I honestly don't remember why). If I decide I just hate the google one I will reinstall it and tell you why I didnt like it.
You forgot something?! I guess there's a first for everyone, even the legends. Hope CaPMan doesn't find out... If your mind goes, we're all in trouble!
He remembers what might be important, and pushes all the other stuff to the back of his mind.
I'm sure the human mind is much like a computer, and that it gets defragged every once in a while, at least that is what I tell my kids when I don't remember something they have told me, and if it is something my wife told me then I tell her it is in the recycle bin.
I would like to see you remember every program you use when your in a installing and uninstalling frenzy. I tried that extension at the same time as I found that tiny spell program. I tried about 5 other spell checkers too and didn't keep the ones I did not like(which was none of them) for more than 10 minutes. Anyway the only spell checking browser "plug in" that I have liked is the one that TwistedMetal put up for Opera.