Google is really really a GIANT

I can only dream to have a super-fast Internet network when exploring the virtual world or surfing.

My ISP is unreliable. :huh:

Providers can offer all these speeds til they are blue in the face. For a lot of folk like me it doesn't matter what they do at the telephone exchange my speed with always be limited by the fact that there is still old copper wiring in use.

Folk who live in the 'not very high for profits' areas will be last in line for fiber optics.

No matter which package I could take out with anyone I'm restricted to just over 2meg because of the copper wire.

I've tried all the internet service provider here.

speeds as promised, I sometimes get a slow connection during working hours, as well as optical network.

complaints responded very slowly.

Providers can offer all these speeds til they are blue in the face. For a lot of folk like me it doesn't matter what they do at the telephone exchange my speed with always be limited by the fact that there is still old copper wiring in use.

Folk who live in the 'not very high for profits' areas will be last in line for fiber optics.

No matter which package I could take out with anyone I'm restricted to just over 2meg because of the copper wire.

Copper Wire??? I am sure there was something before copper wire (perhaps lead or PEWTER) and they use it here in the exchange I am attached to.

I am only 19 minutes by car from Hobart (bitumen road, mixed 50 / 60 & 80 kph) and I can not get ADSL2!!!!!! they maintain they need to upgrade the exchange, when asked WHEN WILL YOU DO THIS? the answer I get from the various ISP's I talk to is: Ah! gee's Mate were not sure, call back in 6 months will'yer. I currently sit on 512. Admittedly I am across the river and on the other side to Hobart.

Never mind there are areas in Tasmania where they still only have dial-up!!!!!!!

Never mind there are areas in Tasmania where they still only have dial-up!!!!!!!

ThankGOD, I'm not a Dial-Up users :lol:

ThankGOD, I'm not a Dial-Up users :lol:

Same here, just downloading multiple anti-malware software updates everyday would completely overwhelm a dial-up connection - but it's still better than absolutely nothing at all.

No matter which package I could take out with anyone I'm restricted to just over 2meg because of the copper wire.

0.5Mg :(

I can get better speeds on my 3G dongle !!

I miss the days of having to reconnect every 2 hours :(

I miss the days of having to reconnect every 2 hours :(

LOL, good grief I remember that ... the bad ol' days! :rolleyes:

One of the things I remember most about dialup was the sound as it dialed to connect.

One of the things I remember most about dialup was the sound as it dialed to connect.

Oh, nostalgia.


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