Pretty great article and video about Google Glass:
Pretty great article and video about Google Glass:
It concerns me a bit though that people now want to wear things like this to stay 'connected' It' bad enough now that people totally ignore their surroundings so they can be on their phones 24/7.
No more little conversations on buses or trains, everyone is too busy tap, tapping away. It's almost like everyone is trying hard to be in a reality somewhere else all the time.
It concerns me a bit though that people now want to wear things like this to stay 'connected' It' bad enough now that people totally ignore their surroundings so they can be on their phones 24/7.
This even happens at home. People texting people in the same room. Or playing online games while in the bathroom, with people in other bathrooms. Relatives come over and the hosts bury themselves in twitch games.
But hey, as long as you're jacked in they'll tell you you're doing fine. I'm not impressed.
No more little conversations on buses or trains, everyone is too busy tap, tapping away. It's almost like everyone is trying hard to be in a reality somewhere else all the time.
Entire little families sitting in restaurants, not talking, absentmindedly eating, steadily pecking away at tiny devices.
Eventually we will hear the kids say "Yes, I remember Grampa, what was his name again?"
The video on that site shows the designers saying they think google glass will solve the issue you guys are talking about. They want you to be talking with your friends and not looking at the cell phone(instead you would get little alerts on your glasses screen).
Personally I think this thing is probably going to flop. I pay lots of money each year to wear contacts so I don't need glasses and now I'm supposed to wear these all day long? No thanks.
I think this could have some good implementations though. Just not for me.
Just when I was about to tell everybody to put their seat belts and hard hats on that I had breaking news I ran across this. Still a late bloomer. I get newsletters from and on 03-16-13 he had an article about "Giggle" Glass. Maybe the cold is affecting my brain but he puts a different slant on this new wrinkle and it sounds more like some cloak and dagger operation and privacy concerns are paramount. If that's the case I'll be watching you birds wearing those things as I'm a privacy/security junkie. Just IMHO, did I get that correctly? I'm only on here due to the great folks at Avast! They bailed me out with a fast phone call, remote hookup and all is well, bless their hearts. By the way rridgely, nobody hates computers more than I. Everybody have a good one, you're tops.
I don't see Glass ever becoming mainstream. I still feel incredibly pretentious when I pull my iPad out in public, imagine being that one guy with a computer strapped to his head. Bleh!
imagine being that one guy with a computer strapped to his head.
Couldn't help but give someone wearing a comp on their noggin' a bad stare. They'd be uber geeks!
Couldn't help but give someone wearing a comp on their noggin' a bad stare. They'd be uber geeks!
I bet they'll get plenty of attention from the police traffic division.
I bet they'll get plenty of attention from the police traffic division.
They probably wouldn't live long enough to get a traffic violation for driving with one on. I've see countless people looking at their iPods and cellphones who are oblivious to their surroundings almost get ran over by cars, trip over curbs, etc.
I think the bigger worry about wearing these in public is that these things cost $1500. You feel pretentious with an ipad? Wearing these things basically says you have too much money so you spent almost two grand on a pair of glasses so you wouldn't have to take your phone out of your pocket. Also these things are basically always on video cameras. I'm a little worried about the privacy implications that this brings.
I think this things are gonna fail hard unless google comes out with a really good usage case for them. What can these provide me that I cant do with my cell phone already.
it's bugging me that I can't remember a sci-fi book I read about 15 years ago with this very topic.
all the citizens wore these 'video glasses' that recorded everything and were accepted in courts as evidence if crime was captured on them.
Yeah, Google will become as welcome as Bill Gates in a few months. And Steve Jobs. They'll be hated by everyone. And then the media will tear them down. Because the media loves doing that sh*t.
What can these provide me that I cant do with my cell phone already.
How about an instant image database search and display on the H.U.D. overlay of the name of the person who has just come round the corner.
Google Glass would have been so useful to me last week,
when I walked down the road from my home and saw a young lady come around the corner towards me.
She got within 4 yards of me before I realised that was my daughter walking home.
This is too much connectivity. I mean have at it if that's what you like, but this isn't for me.
I only answered the question on potential benefit.
I have far more important things than Google Glass to spend $1500 on.
This is too much connectivity. I mean have at it if that's what you like, but this isn't for me.
I agree with you.
I would not like to see a Google Glass wearer approaching me.
He might know more than my name, he could know whether to :-
mug me for the cash I carry;
or kidnap me for ransom.
. . . I'm a little worried about the privacy implications that this brings.
. . . What can these provide me that I cant do with my cell phone already.
I'm certainly no expert, got my hands full just figuring out how to answer this cell phone, but it seems that you have better control over your phone than you ever could over some always on google device.
despite all the negatives, they will still sell like hot cakes.
uber-geeks, over-paid white-collar workers, all those people who queue 24 hours ahead for the next iPhone, just to name a few.
if they get banned anywhere, that will just give Google free publicity and sales will increase even more.
Anonymously break a Google Glass and the face it's attached to, run away, problem locally solved.
I'd still feel a little weird with all kinds of brains running around and jacked in with these things.