Google dropping support for older browsers

Info here, mark August 1st in your diary if you use any of these browsers

Google blog

Like other opera users who posted comments at the bottom of the blog, I am a bit concerned as google seems to be ruling them out for they are not mentioned as one of the supported browsers.

This is a good thing, I'm glad big companies are finally taking steps to kill off old browsers. Microsoft has started trying to kill off IE6 ( ) and I'm pretty sure IE7 is next on the target list.

It's important for these companies to force upgrades after X amount of years (not like Apple.. but we wont open that can of worms) so their coding doesn't become over complicated supporting 10 year old browsers and operation systems.

It'll be very interesting to see how these companies deal with the IPv6 switch over.

Although it is weird Opera is not listed.

I bet if Facebook said they were stopping supporting those browsers everyone would update straight away!!

Google is a nice start, I believe Facebook is only a hair's breath below Facebook on visitor count. :) I would like to see Facebook drop support for those browsers though.


@Winapp2.ini: I think you meant "Google is only a hair's breath below Facebook".

I prefer Facebook to be caught in an infinite recursive loop descending down to the depths of Dante's Inferno.

Why? Facebook is a great thing.

Yes, a very great thing,

a great big herd of sheep being fleeced by a man who is alleged to be a password thief,

and is now focussed on exploiting their privacy.

Lots of lovely stories;posts;mlt_related;posts

My son set up a Facebook account for me to view my grand daughters photos.

He innocently provided my true date of birth and town of birth as demanded,

but he did set this PRIVATE.

Several times a year there were new "enhancements" to privacy to give finer control on various aspects,


and he NEVER told me - it was always a surprise when I saw it in the technical press,

and I logged in and found that yet again he was telling the world my real name and D.O.B.,

and it only needed one of my cousins to be added as "friend" and an identity thief would have easily guessed my Mothers maiden Name.

I would again make private and a month or so later he would "enhance" privacy yet again and broadcast everything to identity thieves.

I have closed my Facebook account which took a very long time,

but he could still have my date of birth available for identity thieves if the price is right.

And what will happen to poor little Midori Borwser for Slitaz? :(

And what will happen to poor little Midori Borwser for Slitaz? :(

It uses WebKit ; thus, as long as it gets updated to the latest WebKit version, it will work.

I wouldn't be surprised if Google check old web browsers via User Agent strings like they do with YouTube.

You can easily spoof User Agent strings with Firefox and interestingly enough so can Internet Explorer 6. :)

Richard S.

I prefer Facebook to be caught in an infinite recursive loop descending down to the depths of Dante's Inferno.

:lol: Heh heh. I agree.

I'm surprised their dropping IE7 support as thats the last version available for XP. XP is old and dusty now, but their are still a huge amount of users and many of them still use IE.

They think they're God. Whaddaya expect.

Why? Facebook is a great thing.

Yeah and many websites are a complete utter nuisance to visit if not using some adblock filters since they're all Facebook Pimped Out, I'm from a different fork in the road, I suppose and don't get it. My cousin is so into and obsessed with Facebook it's actually sickening and I don't even like to get calls from my cousin anymore because Facebook is pretty much all that's talked about and how I should join but peer pressure against someone as hard headed and sit in ways as I am is a very large uphill mountain sized battle.

Well, how you use it is completely up to you.

I have blocked all game requests, so that's one thing! Then, I have all these bands, concerts, local gigs that you can track easily over Facebook. You can use it to share events, photos, notes, links to interesting websites, etc. and so many other things. Facebook Connect is useful as always, you don't need to sign up for those forums and websites which use that, its a one-step sign-up and sing-in process. I have my Facebook connected to my Google, Youtube, Twitter accounts and everything is pretty much in-sync. All my friends who have their numbers, email addresses, DOB, etc. up on Facebook, gets transferred over to my Android phone over the air, in real time and well, I could go on but you get the drift. :) Obviously, I hate the spam and when all people do is talk about an Online Social Networking website. :\

Now that I have moved to a different city, Facebook is all the more helpful. Maybe not the case for everyone.

Although I have Facebook completely blocked on this PC, I know all about it via my cousin.

That might get annoying, yes.

I'm surprised their dropping IE7 support as thats the last version available for XP. XP is old and dusty now, but their are still a huge amount of users and many of them still use IE.

You can get IE8 for XP.

I forgot to mention that about one year after I terminated my Facebook account,

and many months after Facebook had given me three months to change my mind and then withdrawn my account,

and even family "friends" could no longer see any existence,

I still got invitations to be friends from 3 people who do not know me.

One of the three I responded to PREVIOUSLY (before I was given a facebook accont) for part-time work of an unspecified nature.

He was offering the opportunity for weekly delivery of Kleenezee catalogues offering bargain household domestic products.

Not the software opportunity I was looking for in retirement.

He had a valid reason for my entry in his address book when he asked Facebook to find his friends.

The other two came from the same area in India, a place with which I have no contact.

The even had a family picture showing the same wife ! ! !

They were obviously a couple of chancer that were part of the spammer network that offer me imitation watches and marital enhancement aids.

The only reason I can think of for Facebook sending me those invitations is that the Kleenezee guy and the spammers had my email address in their books,

and Facebook found a match against the email address with which my account had been established.

Facebook obviously retained my address and name in their system after they closed my account.

I see no reason to assume that they are unable to sell all the details every submitted to them if the offered price is right.

Remember, that guy harvested and used even the passwords that were invalid on Facebook,

and was lucky when he found they worked on the reporters private email accounts.

Zero Trust.