Google Chrome Smart Cleaning Not Working

CCleaner keeps cleaning everything related to Chrome regardless of how many or few checkboxes are checked in the Google Chrome section of Custom Clean. I have now disabled Smart Cleaning for Chrome altogether as it does not appear to be working as intended.

Are you running Health Check as well as Smart Cleaning?

If you run Health Check it will always clear your browser, regardless of what you have ticked or unticked in Custom Clean.

Health Check is meant to do that.

Custom Clean allows you to tick/untick things for more control over what gets cleaned. eg. If the browser history is unticked then Custom Clean will leave it alone.

Smart Cleaning uses the same rules as Custom Clean and repects the ticks/unticks that you have set.

BUT if you run Health Check <u>as well</u> as Smart Cleaning then Health Check will do it's own thing and will clear the browsers.

Health Check uses it's own cleaning rules, it takes no notice of what you have ticked or unticked for Custom Clean.