CC 4.04.4197 just destroyed my Chrome (Version 32.0.1700.107 m) prefs. Fortunately I had previously synchronized settings with my Google account.
Maybe you should choose to verify what version is supporting, disabling Chrome settings when Chrome version is greater than xxx, forcing users to upgrade CC to the latest version
CC 4.04.4197 just destroyed my Chrome (Version 32.0.1700.107 m) prefs. Fortunately I had previously synchronized settings with my Google account.
Maybe you should choose to verify what version is supporting, disabling Chrome settings when Chrome version is greater than xxx, forcing users to upgrade CC to the latest version
As I wrote, for future versions I would stick for a version check, disabling risky operations on unsupported versions.
Firefox gets updated every 6 weeks, Chrome as well if I'm not mistaken. CCleaner only gets updated every 4 weeks. Are you suggesting that CCleaner be only compatibile with the most recently released version of a browser, on the off chance the vendor changes something in a game-breaking way?
If you wish to avoid all risks when you use an obsolete CCleaner on a new version of Chrome that habitually moves such things as user preferences,
from locations which CCleaner respects into locations which were once Chromes garbage dump,
then perhaps it is your responsibility to uncheck Chrome from CCleaner's settings.
If this CCleaner strategy, you will never be safe. Authors may update products in a way CCleaner may be fooled and spoil data. The only safe way is to stick to a version check: over an unverified version, disable!
I do NOT speak for CCleaner and have no control or special insight into the strategy of CCleaner.
What I HAVE DONE is advise you of the strategy that I would adopt if I used an unstable browser / application such as Chrome.
Firefox has forced frequent changes which often made some sites almost unreadable,
and this forced me to switch to Palemoon which uses the same extensions and is based on the same open-source software,
but is far more stable in its implementation.
Subsequent to my move from Firefox I understand that Mozilla have been more erratic in their implementation,
and I believe that some FireFox users have suffered similar grief with either too much or too little being targeted by CCleaner.
I am sure that many Chrome users and Firefox users would be unhappy if CCleaner automatically disabled all cleaning of a browser when the browser was updated,
and if CCleaner did disable then many users would be annoyed if a Ccleaner update :-
Failed to automatically re-enable cleaning of the existing browser ; or
DID automatically re-enable cleaning of the existing browser REGARDLESS of the users original decision to NOT clean certain aspects
(e.g. I like to clean Palemoon caches, BUT PRESERVE Download History.)
As an alternative to your specific suggestion, I suggest a more general approach :-
For each specific unstable Browser/Application, a checkbox to disable cleaning if it has had a version update since CCleaner was updated.
As an alternative to your specific suggestion, I suggest a more general approach :-
For each specific unstable Browser/Application, a checkbox to disable cleaning if it has had a version update since CCleaner was updated.
This is the point! Unless your hobby is tracking browser updates, you'll never know exactly if and when CCleaner is compatible with a specific browser....
As I guess the guys at Piriform are checking any compatibility issue with existing browser, it would be quite easy for them to disable or at least warn a user on potential issues
This is the point! Unless your hobby is tracking browser updates, you'll never know exactly if and when CCleaner is compatible with a specific browser....
As I guess the guys at Piriform are checking any compatibility issue with existing browser, it would be quite easy for them to disable or at least warn a user on potential issues
I have no problems with this as a suggestion for optional enhanced safety,
which might be better posted in the Suggestions topic
It might be better to change your request for TWO check-boxes :-
Enhanced Safety - when CCleaner becomes out-of-date disables CCleaning for all recent Browsers/Applications which are LIKELY to suffer compatibility issues
Super Enhanced safety - when CCleaner becomes out-of-date disables CCleaning for all recent Browsers/Applications due to potential risk of compatibility issues