For some reason every time when i see Google Chrome's logo it reminds me some kind of Pok?ball from Pok?mon?
This is Google Chrome's logo:
If you don't know what's a Pok?ball go to google and type "Pok?ball".
For some reason every time when i see Google Chrome's logo it reminds me some kind of Pok?ball from Pok?mon?
This is Google Chrome's logo:
If you don't know what's a Pok?ball go to google and type "Pok?ball".
I guess so. It is a cool logo nonetheless.
It's a Simon Says game. Played like Hands Down.
For some reason every time when i see Google Chrome's logo it reminds me some kind of Pok?ball from Pok?mon?
This is Google Chrome's logo:
If you don't know what's a Pok?ball go to google and type "Pok?ball".
It is pretty neat. Very striking !!!
My mind went immediately to this scene from 55 years ago.
This was one of the first color sci-fi movies I ever saw. Outstanding effects from that early period.
Take note of what appears at 8:40 mins. into the video.
Does that qualify as an early Google "eyeball" ?
For obvious reasons, I was quite surprised to see that Google chose this as the logo for their browser.
Take note of what appears at 8:40 mins. into the video.
Does that qualify as an early Google "eyeball" ?
War of the Worlds was one of my favorite TV Late Fright Nite movies but never would have remembered the eyeball look alike unless you had pointed it out.
Its almost like a combo of part of the FireFox logo, a pok?ball and simon.
Take note of what appears at 8:40 mins. into the video.
Does that qualify as an early Google "eyeball" ?
For obvious reasons, I was quite surprised to see that Google chose this as the logo for their browser.
It's pretty clear. Google Chrome is developed and programmed by martians.
No surprise the guys collecting all the data.
*damn' now the story makes sense*