Google Chrome internet cache being skipped by CCleaner

Everytime I use CCleaner to clean my system, it shows it has skipped Google Chromes Internet Cache. Why is that? There a problem? Please asssit or please fix this!

it can't clean chrome if it's opened. If you've closed it, please open task manager (CTRL SHIFT ESC) and close any lingering chrome.exe processes then try again.

That solution does not work. I have version 4.03.4151 I have Chrome set to close all processes, and I have checked the task manager that there are no chrome processes running. I am using the english version. When CCCleaner runs it simply goes to the 'cleaning complete' dialogue, yet the Chrome history remains. Two other programs I have are able to clean Chrome history no problem. This is a flaw with CC Cleaner, not the user or Chrome.

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