Google Chrome Help

Need a little help here. Just downloaded CCleaner, and its definitely a great piece of software. I dont see google chrome on the list of browsers on the cleaner < applications tab. Any help or directions for getting Google chrome covered?

Thanks in Advance

If you have Google Chrome, it should be picked up as it's in CCleaners embedded ini file.


Using CCleaner 2.17.853. Embedded ini file here, if you want to check it out.

Edit: Welcome to the forum by the way.

If you have Google Chrome, it should be picked up as it's in CCleaners embedded ini file.


Using CCleaner 2.17.853. Embedded ini file here, if you want to check it out.

Edit: Welcome to the forum by the way.

Not really I have the same exact problem. I just downloaded the latest version today 25 March 2009. The problem is the program doesn't see Chrome at all.

Try reinstalling Chrome


Not really I have the same exact problem. I just downloaded the latest version today 25 March 2009. The problem is the program doesn't see Chrome at all.

This is why I provided the screenshot. I don't use Chrome, so I installed the latest version today just to check this out, and CCleaner picked it up immediately.

Using latest CCleaner with XP SP3.

The fact is it doesn't find it at all. I have XP SP2. I even tried reinstalling crome and that didn't help either. Here is my snapshot from the screen.ccleaner_dumpscreen.bmp


How do you solve this one? CCleaner is hard wired to find Google Chrome, as you can see from this screenshot of the ini file embedded in CCleaner.


All I can suggest is to check out the ini screenshot, and see if the temp file locations are different in yours. I know from experience recently with I think it was Opera, the location of temp files depended upon where you downloaded it from.

The developers can make subtle changes like this mid version without making a mention of it.

In this case, the pictures don't lie. There is something fundamentally different somewhere along the line causing yours and some others CCleaners to not pick up Google Chrome.

Maybe the CCleaner or Chrome installs are different. Is CCleaner or Chrome installed for all users on your PC?

Check out the ini file, and see if anything in there can give you a clue. Everything is working perfectly on my PC, so I can't replicate the problem to search out an answer.

The developers read these posts, so maybe something could be forthcoming from one of them, as there obviously is a problem with some PC's.

I did install for all users my chrome is installed here;

"C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application"

It must be a problem as I'm not the only one with it. Anyhow where can I see my INI file and or change.

I tried searching for those INI files on my computer and I don't find them. Where are they supposed to be??

I reinstalled Chrome and now Ccleaner has recognized it. I am Running Vista SP1. Thanks for the help and the sweet ware. :P

I uninstalled and reinstalled Chrome and nothing. I even uninstalled and reinstalled Ccleaner but also got nothing. Can someone please help me?

Please download CCleaner v2.18.878.

Thank you

WOW Thanks so much. You guys are really GREAT.

Seriously, You guys are the shiznitty. And to not charge for it? Im about to make a donation anyway, this is worth paying at least a little bit for.

Just for information, the ini file I posted you won't find, as it's the information "embedded" into the CCleaner file itself. A copy of the embedded ini is available for people to check out which applications are included in it.

Available here: (Latest Version)

There's also a winapp2.ini file which contains applications suggested/provided by users. This is an actual file you can download, and place in CCleaners Program Files folder.

Entries in the winapp2.ini, can be included in the embeded information of a future release.

winapp2.ini here:

List of included applications available here:

Hope that helps.

Speaking of Google Chrome, is there any way to get SRWare Iron web browser included in that list of available applications? SRWare Iron is a version of Chromium. Here's the link: