Google Chrome Canary Support


Google released a 4th release channel for Chrome and it can be installed and used side by side with another release channel. It's called Google Chrome Canary Build and can be downloaded here. It's installed in "C:\Users\User Name\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome SxS\" directory so CCleaner doesn't support it right now. Is there a way to do this? Appending the path to a .ini file for example. Thanks...



Please support Chrome canary build...

I have not read the content of the sticky at the top of this page, but at a glance it could contain the information you are looking for.

It seems deleting browser cache, history, downloads, etc. can be done with 'winapp2.ini' provided that it has the correct paths but there are additional options for Chrome in CC like compressing databases without deleting them. Can these functions be added by winapp2.ini?