Sometimes I can't type or remember how the computer functions. Before this surprise brain tumor renders me incapable of remembering all the wonderful people I've met here at Piriform, I just want to say thank you for all the generous assistance I've received from you folks. In particular, I remember Dennis, Hazelnut, Aethec, and all the others I don't mean to leave out. It's been most enjoyable to learn so much about computers, especially at my age of 74.
Gail, I am so desperately sorry to learn of your illness. I hope you may be able to come and see us just occasionally, and you have my very best wishes for the future.
You will be missed on here by all the guys if we don't hear from you, so here's hoping the future will be as good as it can be.
I don't know what else to say Gail. I'm just truly saddened by your news.
Sooo sad to hear. There is just nothing to say, some things are too big for words. Still I like to remember that Pope John Paul II said "Be not afraid" 3 times during his first sermon.
I am taking nothing for granted, and look forward to reading your posts for a long time yet.
Gail, I am so desperately sorry to learn of your illness. I hope you may be able to come and see us just occasionally, and you have my very best wishes for the future.
You will be missed on here by all the guys if we don't hear from you, so here's hoping the future will be as good as it can be.
I don't know what else to say Gail. I'm just truly saddened by your news.
Good luck.
Dennis summed up what I was going to say as well. I wish you the best of luck and I hope you may still be able to join us in the future.
Dear Gail, I'm so deeply sorry and I wish you and your family all the very best in dealing with this. My feelings are expressed so well in the posts by other members, I could not possibly say it better.
Gail, I personally don't recall ever having talked to you here on this forum but like all the others here that have replied before me, I can only wish you well. It makes us emotional having learned your condition, but you'll be in our minds and our prayers. If you need moral support, I'm sure people on this forum are willing to share their encouragement and their support to you even if we have never met you in person.
But remember, you are a part of this forum and people here care about you and each other. Good luck, wish you well.
I know this is somewhat belated but we have been having personal issues that prevented writing to you. Although I have not had the pleasure of reading or speaking with you I offer my feelings.
Words are difficult during times such as you are experiencing but I would like to join my brothers and sisters on this forum in wishing you well. While I am relatively new to the family I have found them to be so caring and understanding.
I can relate to your situation but I can never know how you feel. For over fourteen months we went through the same trials with one of my wife's brothers. We maintained hope that he would recover but he did not. Please maintain hope as miracles do occur even under the worst conditions.
Gail, please know that you will remain in our prayers and please feel free to contact us any time you wish. With love,
I hate topics like this. So much death, illness, and sadness in the world. I'm an atheist, so don't believe in anything beyond the here and now. But I wish you all the best, and hope you find comfort in whatever way makes you find peace. All the best, what a terrible thing to have to endure....