Good News To Share

Well, must be my birthday received three gifts, one improper for this section. After enduring a long time without CPU temp reporting with the previous version, Speccy 1.22.535 I recently installed now displays the temp so I don't have to rely on some separate utility installed by a former friend. After I take care of some other matters I would like to call upon my good friends to discuss CPU, Motherboard and Hard Drive readings that I researched to see if I'm on track. The other gift, if I may, was my ISP finally after a lot of complaining made some improvements with my download speed and I'm now getting 4800kbps instead of 90. Have a good day everyone.


Hi Warlock !

Now you have that speed of gonna have to get that brain of yours moving faster to catch up with the computer

lol :)

And good day to you my dear friend Fluffy. I must confess that the last thing I expected from you was reaching down into your quiver and firing an arrow at me. Have I done something inadvertently to offend you? Your comment with respect to my posting of improved download speed leaves me no choice but to respond. I will enter into a pact with you. I will work on accelerating my brain if you will in turn apply the brakes to your pie hole in the future. Please let me know if this is acceptable. You know of course I'm only kidding old friend. Perhaps with your continued help I can increase the rpms somewhat which I confess are pitifully low. Take care and have a good day and take care of that precious little cat Your friend,


You had me going there for a moment Warlock, until I read the entire post.

Nice one. :lol:

Hi Dennis,

I'll teach that bird to fire a missile at me. No response yet. Maybe he's pondering what I said and at a loss for words or maybe he's too busy feeding his beloved kitty. We'll see. Good to hear from you as always.


Warlock, Eee by gum!

Glad your getting to understand my Yorkshire sense of humour, Thought I `d reach down into that quiver again and quote you some Byron

The Devil hath not,in all his quiver`s choice,

An arrow for the heart,like a sweet voice :)


Well now Fluffy, I'm certain that's the way to do it. Instead of a lively, frank discussion just shower one with poetry. Just ribbing you a bit but you already know that. Poetry soothes the soul. I'll have to look up Byron's work and get the entire works. Good to hear from you and give that kitty a hug from us. Your friend,
