good CCleaner Staff, a Request.

Dear CCleaner staff,

I really like your work however I think it lacks automation that is to do all the work with a single click.

It would be nice if we could run CCleaner from the command line to do all the stuff we need. For Instance:

CCleaner /Windows /Apps /Issues /Backup

where /Windows would clean Windows

and /Apps would clean Applications

and /Issues would clean the Registery

while /Backup would do a Backup of the Registery.

Thank you very much for your fine work and OPEN ears.


/AUTO - Runs the cleaner upon loading and then closes the application.

It will run the cleaner (Windows & Apps are cleaned together).

It just doesn't do Issues and I doubt it will ever will. I don't want a program cleaning my registry without me know what it is deleting.

With some to the requests or suggested features that come along I think it's high time that the Beginner's Guide be included with the CCleaner installation to negate some rather simple questions that could easily be found out be reading the Beginner's Guide.

That's a good idea Andavari.

That's a good idea Andavari.

Yeah, I agree. It's just that so many requests are explained over and over that typically have us pointing people to the Beginner's Guide. And since the Beginner's Guide in .CHM format is only currently 56.06 kb zipped I see absolutely no reason for it not to be included.

With some to the requests or suggested features that come along I think it's high time that the Beginner's Guide be included with the CCleaner installation to negate some rather simple questions that could easily be found out be reading the Beginner's Guide.

I posted a suggestion in the suggestions thread a while back suggesting adding a direct link to the beginners guide within CCleaner for that exact same reason.

After reading this post, I did everything I could to make it more compressed in size.

Compressed: 47.1 KB

Decompressed: 54.2 KB

That's the smallest I could get it. Also, I forgot to update the Index for it, for version 1.37. I have the online help page updated, but not the file version (not uploaded yet).

The file version has gotten 17 downloads in 5 days...

The online version in 5 days...

H- (Hits) B-(Bandwidth)

01 Feb 2007 H-9,657 B-21.19 MB

02 Feb 2007 H-9,636 B-31.93 MB

03 Feb 2007 H-7,294 B-59.95 MB

04 Feb 2007 H-6,950 B-34.70 MB

05 Feb 2007 H-10,381 B-405.09 MB (I think people "finally" found out I am hosting CCleaner Portable on my site. There goes the bandwidth, I got plenty).

Month of Jan.

Jan 2007 H-156,836 B-415.66 MB

The only thing I host on my site is my web page (it gets about 20-30 hits a day, that's all), a few images used on the forums, the Beginner's Guide (Online), and now CCleaner Portable (mirror site).

Jan was actually the highest it has ever hit. The second highest was Dec at almost 126,000. I'm not even hitting %1 of my quota each month (I have 250 GB a month). It's usually 400-500 MB a month, in 5 days I am at 553 MB (because of CCleaner Portable).

Well, that is the breakdown of my site. I hope you enjoyed reading it. :D

I've been wanting a site, but I have no clue what I would do with it. :P