Global upload quota

I have a question for mods and others who may know.

My account has a global upload quota of 1.95MB.

Is that a lifetime quota, and when filled we are cutoff from posting images forever?

I guess you're cut off if you reach the limit, hence the reason to use free file hosts and free image hosts.

I not sure if I'm remembering correctly or not since it's been so long but I think my quota was increased the longer I was on the forums with more posts, i.e.; going from "newbie status" with barely any posts to "super hero status" with possibly too many posts - I'd need someone else to confirm or deny this though as I really didn't pay close attention to it since I try to use free hosts. One benefit from using the free hosting sites is any non-member visitor can see the posted download links, and images, whereas if you have them uploaded on your Piriform account only logged in forum members can use the links.

I also have a 1.95MB Limit, even as one "peg" above Kroozer with posts. (I have 4, she has 3)

When you reach your limit. go to setting / attachments and delete the old or unwanted to create more space.

Thanks to Mike, Andavari & Winapp. I now see that the quota applies only to attachments and not free hosted images, and I can delete old attachments. :)