Gears of War 2!

If you like videogames and have a xbox360 you have to play this game!

I just got this today and its the first time since I got my 360 that I've been impressed that the game I was playing was even possible. Its a roller coaster of an experience that I wasn't able to put down until my eyes literally started to burn. :P I haven't even tried the multiplayer but I hear its great(I was playing online co-op). This is the first game I've paid full price for in a long time where I felt like it was worth it.

The game really is as awesome looking as these pictures :P;all;5

This is the first game I've paid full price for in a long time where I felt like it was worth it.

I haven't had that experience with any game in years!

I don't have a 360, but the videos on that site look pretty cool.

The scale of this game is crazy. I thought god of war on PS2 was crazy with its huge monsters, this game takes that to a new extreme. A lot of games I've played lately have huge monsters but you dont really get to fight them the same was as all the others, its almost like its on rails. Not in this game!

Plus I dont think I've seen anything as cool as the chainsaw bayonet in a game in a pretty long time. Its so much fun getting up on a monster and sawing them in half. :lol: Its a surprisingly deep game as well, you have to use cover and think about what your going to do next, you cant just run and shoot like in a lot of games.

The scale of this game is crazy. I thought god of war on PS2 was crazy with its huge monsters, this game takes that to a new extreme. A lot of games I've played lately have huge monsters but you dont really get to fight them the same was as all the others, its almost like its on rails. Not in this game!

Plus I dont think I've seen anything as cool as the chainsaw bayonet in a game in a pretty long time. Its so much fun getting up on a monster and sawing them in half. :lol: Its a surprisingly deep game as well, you have to use cover and think about what your going to do next, you cant just run and shoot like in a lot of games.

Hehe I love you man, you really like this game huh?

Great passion right there. Anyway, yeah, I totally agree, the game is one of two games lately I put some serious time in! Great game in all areas for sure!!

Hehe I love you man, you really like this game huh?

Great passion right there. Anyway, yeah, I totally agree, the game is one of two games lately I put some serious time in! Great game in all areas for sure!!

You can tell I like it? :P

I still haven't beaten it. I've played for about 4 hours or so, I'm at the part where you first get in the snow on the tank.

What other game have you been playing?

You can tell I like it? :P

I've played for about 4 hours or so

Your enthusiasm reminds me of the appeal of all the Final Fantasy games from years ago where I'd play it non-stop for a ridiculously long amount of hours.

The other game is Prince of Persia. It is maybe a bit easy, but it is so much fun. Also a great game!

I can remember playing Gauntlet until i almost passed out from lack of food. lol

The other game is Prince of Persia. It is maybe a bit easy, but it is so much fun. Also a great game!

My fav gaming genre is racing games and I think they're all too easy anymore even the big cheese itself the F1 games.

I'd like to have the experience of "what the hell" again as I did in the mid 90's F1 game where one M. Schumacher just disappeared on the Hockenheim track leaving every other car in the dust - that kind of difficulty is what made me so damned good in racing games.

Not to hijack the thread, but in all you gamers opinions, which is better for games in general, ps3 or xbox360? I am THIS close to getting a gaming machine, first time in MANY years and am totally a n00b and on the fence as to which way to go. Hopefully a system that has good non violent kids games too. :)

Not to hijack the thread, but in all you gamers opinions, which is better for games in general, ps3 or xbox360? I am THIS close to getting a gaming machine, first time in MANY years and am totally a n00b and on the fence as to which way to go. Hopefully a system that has good non violent kids games too. :)

If you want bluray go ps3, if you just want to play games go xbox.

They have a lot of the same games(actually most games are on both) but xbox has a lot more games right now.

If you don't want to play online you could get an xbox for only $200, it doesn't have a hard drive but unless you play online you don't really need it.

PS3 has cool features like wifi(xbox it costs $100 for a usb thing), blu ray, and free online play(xbox costs $50 a year, but its more than worth it.) But it doesn't have as many games right now.

Xbox has live(online playing), netflix streaming if you have an account, and tons more games.(plus you can usually get used xbox games cheaper than ps3 games at game stores). I have an xbox and I dont regret getting it instead of ps3. I'm not a huge movie buff(I use netflix to rent them) so blu ray wasn't really a big thing to me.

Andavari has PS3 so he can give you his opinion on that. :D

Really though there isn't that big a difference anymore since they play almost all the same games.