This is a great program, and works fine for me.
My bug is with the ?gas bar? at the top. It never seems to conclude, or go to 100% and stop. I do see, on occasion, a 100% covered over by the ?gas bar?, but it goes to the end of the screen and does not disappear, like on other apps that use ?gas bars?.
It should go to the ?end of the screen and disappear? with a ?clean gas bar area?, and then ?display 100%? or ?Complete?.
In the ?Registry? tab, the ?gas bar? goes to the end, but is still moving, and I do not know if the thing is still searching registry keys, or has stopped.
Another idea is to ?grey out? the ?gas bar? when it is complete, and say ?COMPLETE? in the center of the ?Gas Bar?.
This issue is very annoying.
I would also like to suggest a ?tab? which allows you to select an ?erasure method?, and then select ?a drive? and then ?wipe free drive space? or ?slack space?.
You might also include a feature to allow the user to ?wipe entire drive?. This would allow someone to erase a drive they plan to remove from a system and sell, give away, retire, or otherwise declare obsolete. I have many drives here, which I keep for no other reason than the data on them needs to be cleaned off permanently before I get rid of them.
I would like to plug them into an IDE chain, and run a ?government wipe? on them before I declare them obsolete or otherwise useless.