I am making a firm suggestion to Hide Registry Cleaning from interface by default. I am not asking to remove it, I am simply asking to have it as a option. Too many issues have occured with average people with little knowledge using the registry cleanup. I love the regular cleanup, but registry cleanup is too dangerous.
CCleaners registry "Issues" feature, is a safe registry cleaner, as far as doing anything in the registry can be deemed safe, but as it tells you, make sure you make a back-up of the registry first, before you fix any or all issues.
CCleaners registry "Issues" feature, is a safe registry cleaner, as far as doing anything in the registry can be deemed safe, but as it tells you, make sure you make a back-up of the registry first, before you fix any or all issues.
My comment still stands that registry cleaning is very very dangerous and that the average user that runs CCleaner should not even be introduced to such a utility. I have been fixing computers too long to worry about these kind of options. I love CCleaner for it main purpose. I offer it to all my customers for cleaning temp file and internet junk. Registry cleaning should be turned off by deafult or a seperate app. This is my suggestion............
Registry cleaning should be turned off by deafult or a seperate app. This is my suggestion............
As already mentioned CCleaner does have one of the safest registry cleaners available in any application, and it does by default show a popup to save the registry data to undo any changes.
CCleaner's registry cleaner just isn't in the same definition of other registry cleaners that really are dangerous to use.
I 100% agree, But CCleaner's registry 'fixer' was been built to suit people who would like to repair there registry but have little or no knowledge on what they are doing.
Thank you guys for your input. I understand what you are saying. I just wanted the ability to hide the registry icon from the main page. Seems like a simple request. Let the customer choose to turn it on or not in the options.
Thank you guys for your input. I understand what you are saying. I just wanted the ability to hide the registry icon from the main page. Seems like a simple request. Let the customer choose to turn it on or not in the options.
Thanks Jeff
Hi Jeff,
I agree with your request to have certain functions hidden.I also think others have requested this also and I don't doubt that something is already in the works.This would also allow locking any desired option in the Cleaner or Tools or Options functions.This would allow better control for Commercial users and technicians like you.