FTP upload

Ok I have adsl2 on my pc. Why is my upload speed only going at 22.35KB/s every download.. I should be getting 900KB/s

PLease help! :P

Ok I have adsl2 on my pc. Why is my upload speed only going at 22.35KB/s every download.. I should be getting 900KB/s

PLease help! :P

Hello Jeoff,

You will get a faster download if you specify Save instead of Run when you download.At least that has been my experience.

Good Luck,

:) davey

Hello Davey,

I'm trying to upload 500mb to my own dedicated server.. Not downloading :)

Thank you

Hello Davey,

I'm trying to upload 500mb to my own dedicated server.. Not downloading :)

Thank you

Sorry, I thought you were having program download troubles.

Maybe your server thinks it is dealing with a 56kbs modem?

Sounds like the speed I use to have on my modem if the server was being nice to me.

:) davey Lets see 1440 min. per day X 60 sec.... better call home.. let them know I'll be late....hmm

So how would I fix that !?

I have no problems downloading

In fact I can download at 15 MB/s from any other server!

So how would I fix that !?

I have no problems downloading

In fact I can download at 15 MB/s from any other server!

You are beyond my comprehension, Jeoff.

There are server operators who cruise by here evey now and then.

But on a Monday morn,nice spring time weather,who knows.

Out of my league !

:) davey

Ok I have adsl2 on my pc. Why is my upload speed only going at 22.35KB/s every download.. I should be getting 900KB/s

PLease help! :P

Your upload speed isn't the same as your download capability. For instance, whereas many 8MB/s broadband deals enable a 1.3MB/s upload capacity, which means the maximum upload speed is 130Kbp/s. However, most ISPs offer a far slower upload rate and most standard broadband users will only be able to upload at around 40Kbp/s, max.

Also, the upload speed is degenerated by two things: whether you are downloading at the time of uploading and, secondly, the speed the remote server will enable you to upload.


My Speedtest results


Those are ideal numbers and the upload speed is dependent on the FTP site you are going to.