Free Version Loads..

Several months ago I installed free version of CCleaner on my new Windows 10 laptop. Today I updated to the Pro version (license #2 of the bundle). Update was successful. However, the free version continues to be launched which requires manual steps to get the pro version to execute. Can someone assist me in resolving this?

Go to Options>About and click on the blue 'Upgrade to Pro' button.

Enter your registered name and licence key and click on 'Register'.

PS. The name must be the same name that you registered, and many people make mistakes with numbers/letters if typing in their key - copy/paste it from the email to avoid that.

I performed the task. When I clicked on blue license field, there is no "Upgrade to Pro" button. "About" shows the info for Pro version, i.e., registration name and new license key. Baffling.

From the free version-


From the Pro version-


Which one are you seeing?

That's the info I'm seeing, with "Registered to: My Name," and version = v5.65.7632 (64-bit).

New info: on "About" screen, CCleaner - Professional Edition; Registered to: Me" is displayed. However, the version number is v5.43.6522 (64-bit) is shown - not the latest one. When I click on "Check for updates link" at bottom right of screen, the latest version a request to install it is shown. When I click on "Yes," the download happens but the installation doesn't. More baffling.

Ah, I think that we may know the issue, which antivirus are you using?

Norton 360. However, problem is only occurring on laptop. Win10 Pro (64-bit) server works fine.

Breakthrough, which was aided by your notes. I went to CCleaner folder on "C" drive; manually loaded the CCupdate.exe and it failed with permission issues. That wasn't intuitive, since the OS is Windows 10 (64-bit) latest updates. However, the laptop has not been active for a few months which caused many OS updates to be loaded. I reviewed the error messages from CCleaner Pro installation, then changed (fiddled with?) Windows 10 permissions. Next, I downloaded the Free Trial version of CCleaner Pro (64-bit), and manually installed it. I tested the installation by running the "Analyze" option, and it worked!! Next, I checked Options > About and CCleaner - ProfessionalEdition; Registered to: Me; v5.65.7632 (64-bit) is displayed. All is well!! Thanks for your support.

Good to hear that you got it working.