free space dropping

hello. i know the hard drive's space drops down after a scan but i can follow the following procedures to free it up (below). mine went from 40+gb to 67gb after doing it. but then i did a second scan right after the procedure and the hard drive's space drops down again and i did the procedure again BUT this time the hard drive's space did not go back up to 67 and it remained at 58gb. can someone tell me what happened and how could i get the 10gb back?



i did do this. but my space did not go back up! so what should i do?

that won't get the space back, it'll make it so next time you don't lose the space. What operating system version (xp,vista,win7,win8)? If vista,7,8 to gain what you lost back you need to empty your vas

so i loss 9gb -.-''''?? b/c for the first time it worked using the method u posted but the second time it didnt