Free space cleaning

Windows 7 Home 64 bit P C


I'm as green as grass when it comes to computers,so forgive me if my questions appear a little nieve.

It concerns the free space cleaning.

What exactly happens when I run Cc in this mode,is it acting in a way like a defrafragmention

pass, an thus freeing up more space?

Should I bother with it at all as I've loads of free space at the moment?

Or is it to rid my PC's hard drive of all traces of errent files (fragments) that may be hiding there?

Really pleased with your product:)


See here:

Free space clearing will achieve no extra space on your drive. Basically WFS (wipe freespace) fills all the unused areas (your freespace) with junk then deletes the junk.

While this does not net any extra drive space it makes any (previously) deleted files to be harder/unlikely for recovery.