Free cd/dvd burner

Has anyone used this software? Its a free cd/dvd burner

I tried it just before my last XP format and reinstall. It crashed too much for me to really get into the program, but then again my last XP install was really messed up towards the end. It was however the best CD/DVD burning app I found on, some were just pure s**t.

Has anyone used this software? Its a free cd/dvd burner

I haven't used that program but this is another free commercial Ver. Ashampoo Burning Studio 5. I used it back when it was a pay program now I have Ver. 6 but Ver. 5 is a great program all to itself. you can still get it right now I just checked the download but it probably want be up much longer.

From another thread:

CD Burning:

CD Burner XP Pro-

CDBurnerXP Pro is an easy to use CD/DVD burning software, that can write CD-R and CD-RW discs. The program can also write disks directly from an ISO image file, and save image as an ISO image file (*.iso). You can create data and audio CDs, and it supports Burn-Proof technology, multi-session disks, import of ISO images and more.

Deep Burner-

DeepBurner is a CD/DVD burning software that lets you create Data Cds, Bootable CDs, and Audio CDs as well as data DVDs. In addition, it lets you burn ISO files, create ISO images and includes a tool to create and print CD/DVD labels, and also lets you design an auto start menu to launch documents or programs from the CD.

... are those any Good?

i am looking for an alternative for Nero maybe.. to be able to work on my Windows ME...

Free would be nice too...

For some reason Nero spoils a CD often.. so would NOT mind something that works reliable and not a hog :)

Any comments.. or other suggestions?

Also found this free one.. betanews says it's OK:

AVS Disk Creater - Freeware:

DeepBurner Free would be my pick out of that small list because it isn't bloated and gets the job done without any fuss, if I weren't using Ashampoo Burning Studio 2007 I'd be using DeepBurner Free.

AVS Disc Creator has the problem of creating some rather bloated logs (at least the last version I tried did) which is why I wrote a winapp2.ini entry for it.

You can try Free Easy CD DVD Burner.

Description from author site :

- Free Easy CD DVD Burner. Complete free and easy CD & DVD burning solution.

Burn data and audio (WAV, WMA, MP3, OGG, FLAC, AAC, M4A) to your CDs & DVDs is now very easy with Free Easy CD DVD Burner.

Burn and save ISO files, copy your CDs DVDs. Save your favorite audio CDs to mp3 with the internal grabber (CDDB request to get information about the album).

Standard ISO9660 Joliet, buffer UnderRun protection, Support multisession.

Support for dual-layer DVD, CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD-RW, DVD+RW.

you can download it at and it's free


I`ve been doing little else over the last week but trying out various free DVD "Back-Up" solutions, and I have downloaded and tried quite a few, believe me, and some of the programs I looked at just did my head in.

The following info therefore, is meant more for you less experienced Newbie members like me, rather than the experienced L.O.E.G., and will hopefully save you the hours and hours I spent trying to find the most userfriendly and technically simplest solution.

My criteria was to find the best way to create a back-up with Main Movie only & one relevant soundtrack. Absolutely stripped down to the basic self booting minimum.

Yesterday I backed-up "War of the Worlds", "The Descent", and "Sin City". All created in DVD 5 format (1 X 4.7gb disc).

The combination that has given me, up till now, absolutely perfect back-ups has been:-

DVD Decrypter:

DVD Shrink 3.2:

Ripit4me (10th Jan `07):

Download and install all 3 applications first.

I found the simplest and IMHO, the best way was to:

1: Rip the DVD with DVD Decrypter into an ISO file.

2: Load the ISO file into Shrink 32, and ReAuthor the files down to the basic minimum:-


Drag and Drop the main movie into the left pane.

Right Click in the preview window below, and listen and choose the correct audio file.

Select Compression Settings and make sure that the audio you chose is the only box left ticked.

3: Go to Edit>Prefs>File I/O, and deselect "Burn With Nero".

Select "Back-Up", and you should now have 2 options:-

a: ISO Image File

b: ISO Image File & burn with DVD Decrypter

Select option b:

Shrink 3.2 will now compress the already decrypted file to the destination of your choice, and then DVD Decrypter will burn it. All you have to do is swap discs between each process.

I thought this method better than Shrink 3.2 having to decrypt and compress at the same time.

Ripit4me is a new application I found that works in tandem with Decrypter & Shrink, and will only be needed if the latter two have any problems with the latest encryption methods such as ARccOS and RipGuard. There is a very detailed help file on the download page.

Finally: As I was doing a sort of trial and error thing with all these programs, I used DVD-RW discs to save having to chuck loads away.

My first perfect copies played perfectly until about 50 mins into each movie, and then beagan sticking. But only on my main DVD player.

They played fine on the PC, same on my PS2, and also on my daughters ?20 DVD player in her bedroom.

This puzzled me for ages until I burnt a DVD-R, and tried that. Problem solved. My main DVD player just dosen`t handle DVD-RW very well.

I hope the above will be of help to anyone trying to find their way round the problems of Backing-Up DVD`s with FREE software.

Will be happy to pass on screenshots of any of the above.


PS. Some of the software tried:- DVD FabDecrypter: Ashampoo burning studio: DVD ReBuilder: Shrinkto5basic with Machinist2dll: and others I`ve tried, uninstalled and forgot their names. :wacko:

Edit: FAO Moderator. Still being new, wasn`t sure whether or not this was worth making into a new thread.

Advice would be welcome.

DVD Decrypter is a life saver because my Terminator 3 DVD I bought was pretty much a mess with annoying clicks and very noticeable scene changes which were all due to the crappy copy protection, every DVD player I attempted to play the movie in all suffered the same fate. My backup copy however doesn't have any of those problems.

Dennis, I am in full agreement with your post about using shrink and decrypter, they have served me well for quite some time.

I learnt about using these a couple of years ago from scuba pete on afterdawn forums. However he has a place here now, definitely worth a read. ( ignore his wacky style of writing, he knows his stuff in my opinion)

Dennis, I am in full agreement with your post about using shrink and decrypter, they have served me well for quite some time.

I learnt about using these a couple of years ago from scuba pete on afterdawn forums. However he has a place here now, definitely worth a read. ( ignore his wacky style of writing, he knows his stuff in my opinion)

Hi hazelnut,

Your comments are appreciated.

I`ve had a look at scuba petes guide, and considering the fact that it`s the first time I`ve seen it, I`m quite chuffed that after my hours of head scratching, and time spent waiting for each process to complete with all the different applications I tried, (DVD-RWs were only 1 X 2 speed and took 30mins to burn & half that again to verify), I eventually came up with the right combination.

There`s hope for me yet.

But, imagine my amazement when I burnt a DVD-R disk for the first time.

I didn`t have time to re-fill my glass of whiskey, and that lovely tinkling sound was telling me it was done.

Enjoyed every minute of the head scratching by the way. Great feeling of satisfaction when it eventually comes right.


DVD Decrypter is a life saver because my Terminator 3 DVD I bought was pretty much a mess with annoying clicks and very noticeable scene changes which were all due to the crappy copy protection, every DVD player I attempted to play the movie in all suffered the same fate. My backup copy however doesn't have any of those problems.

Hi Andavari,

I`m sitting here at 22.47gmt, and your remarks about Terminator 3 have just rang a bell in the back of my mind.

It must be a couple of years ago that my son got me a copy of this from one of his army pals in Germany.

Hard to tell it was a "back-up", because of the professional looking labels etc.. But after a 10-15mins or so of watching it, there was something not quite right.

Might have been scene changes, as you`ve pointed out, but it was also very jerky with sideways panning shots.

Was this just a poor copy, or the result of a poor original ? I think I`ll pop down to my local rental store tomorrow.

Always liked that movie.


I learnt about using these a couple of years ago from scuba pete on afterdawn forums. However he has a place here now, definitely worth a read. ( ignore his wacky style of writing, he knows his stuff in my opinion)

What a great site, I feel like going and burning a DVD just for the fun of reading the guide:

Let's go get one of your favorite DVD's to make a copy of, so should something unforeseen happen, like a waterspout hitting the Mojave Desert and destroying the original you'll have a backup of it. We'll also need some pretzels and a cold beer - they're all needed to make our backup. The DVD for you and the pretzels and brew-ski for "Uncle" ScubaPete.