Can someone recommend a free backup program. I downloaded FBackup 4 but it needs a lot of plugins which I really don’t understand nor do I know how to install the plugins. Is there a program which just can backup everything and then only those files that have changed? I’m not very knowledgeable about the computer. I’d appreciate whatever help you can give me.
I have used Cobian Backup 9 for awhile now and it's great! It's free and just works. I am now testing version 10 and it seems to work just as good as 9 and it's still free.
Macrium Reflect would be my No. 1 choice. Ideal for system and apps
You should also look at [url="[/url]
This one will cater for synchronizing only the files that have been changed, ideal for files & folders.
If you are just wanting a backup for files Karen's Replicator is a good one.
After you have set up and run first time backups can just take seconds
I'd say do a full system backup or at least drive C: with Macrium Reflect.
Then use one of the non full system backup programs the others have mentioned to keep important files backed up with their current data.
System / partition back up - Macrium Reflect.
File level back-up - Microsoft SyncToy.