Fragments column and Size column sort by... wrong way around

Admittedly I have only started using the portable build but have noticed that when you click on the Fragments or Size column headers to sort either ascending or descending, they do it opposite to what I'm used to.

In the current Portable build (v2.16); ascending lists largest to smallest, descending lists smallest to largest.

In my previous version of the full version, it was, and always has been, the other way around.

So it's either a bug with the new version or has the portable build always done this?

(or does Piriform use my location and have regionalised to Down Under accordingly <_< )

woohoo - fixed in latest v2.17.898 release.

it was only very minor - but bloody annoying.

woohoo - fixed in latest v2.17.898 release.

it was only very minor - but bloody annoying.

Have you noticed that the water in the john is spinning in the opposite direction since it's been fixed? :o

Have you noticed that the water in the john is spinning in the opposite direction since it's been fixed? :o

Personally I do not care which direction it spins in.

I would however be rather peeved if effluent came up instead of going down. :(