% Fragmentation

Based upon my younger son's recommendation, I installed Defraggler and ran "Analyze" on my hard drives.

I have read the on-line documentation "Using Defraggler / Analyzing a drive", which includes the sentence "It's up to you whether the hard drive needs defragmenting."

Hmmmm. The Microsoft Windows "Disk Defragmenter" program tells me explicitly "You (do not) need to defragment this volume", and it still allows me to decide whethet I will actually run defragment.

I wish the results of Defraggler's "Analyze" were a little more explicit.

At what "% Fragmentation" should I run "Defrag" on Defraggler?

I'd recommend running a full defrag once, and then schedule a defrag. (at least once a month)

Personally, I defrag once a day. Takes me 1-2 minutes.

Microshaft (please excuse my disdain) may give specific advice but truthful and intelligent advice is better suited to most users.

Probably the information of analysis is given and the choice of a possibly lengthy defrag is left to you. The best part of all is the

ability of Defraggler to work while you do - that's revolutionaly to an old-timer like me. JL