Fragmentaion not going down...

Hello All,

I've been using Defraggler on my laptop for ages now and I finally built my new desktop with Windows 7 64-bit. When I ran Defraggler after I installed necessary programs and such, it had some fragmentation and when i got down it brought it down to 0%. However the next day I was running the defrag after I installed more programs and my comp went into sleep mode because i forgot to change it. When I brought it out of sleep mode I thought defraggler wasn't running anymore and I thought it had finished. But now when I run defraggler it only has a few fragmented files at 4.5GB and 35 total fragments but with 16% Fragmentation Here is a screen shot of the program: defragh.jpg. If anyone could help that would be great. Thanks.

Those are system restore points, you can't defrag them, you should simply add C:\System Volume Information\ to Defraggler's Exclude list (you'll need to enable view of system files/folders in Windows Explorer's Folder Options).

PS : I don't want to be rude, but...this question has already been asked and answered a lot.