I am new here and apologise if I did not fid this info anywhere else yet (I really looked) but I had lost files for my business that a certian store had deleted for me when resetting the administrator from them to me. these files where kept on the desktop of my computer and all of these and my contacts where gone when I got my computer back. your recover program has located the files but when I open them (in microsort word) in the program they were built in they come back in a different code of some sort. Is there anyway to repair this issue?
I am new here and apologise if I did not fid this info anywhere else yet (I really looked) but I had lost files for my business that a certian store had deleted for me when resetting the administrator from them to me. these files where kept on the desktop of my computer and all of these and my contacts where gone when I got my computer back. your recover program has located the files but when I open them (in microsort word) in the program they were built in they come back in a different code of some sort. Is there anyway to repair this issue?
Thanks in advance for any help.
Sounds like they might be partly corrupted, here is some search results that may help:
I had taken my computer back to best buy so they could set myself as the system administrator instead of their store. instead of just changing the password they deleted the whole administrator and built a new one for myself (I still do not understand this). Stupidly I had been saving a file that had various word documents which I had been working for weeks on for a presentation on that desktop instead of within c:/ drive or so I guess. I could not find that file anywhere on my computer and a search did not show it either.
After using Recuva the above is what my file looks like. I tried saving it in another format like the suggestion and then opening it back up in word with no luck. does anyone know why it is in this language? or how I can convert it back? I had also lost my address book files in their screw up.
It may be to badly corrupted to repair, or worse if the original user account you had, had "protect files" enabled on the user account before deletion...
DO NOT SIGN UP FOR THE FREE TRIAL: Now scroll down to the bottom to see the posts for free.
Hello fireryone,
I don't understand....I can't "see the posts for free" at the above URL. On my screen, I only see inactive links to 16 "Expert Comments" and one "author Comment." (This is typical when I attempt to view experts-exchange.com Q&As, but I think I recall once being able to see the posts on another experts-exchange.com webpage, and didn't know why.) Have you discovered some "secret" to getting them to display without a membership?
Did you try any of the free/trial programs in my first post?
I did try both links for the freeware but it did not help.
Are you saying that somehow the word documents had gotten password protected?
is this something they may have done? I am very leary about bringing it back and losing even more data or worse having to reinstall all of my programs over if they wipe it out even worse then the first time.
I did try both links for the freeware but it did not help.
Are you saying that somehow the word documents had gotten password protected?
is this something they may have done? I am very leary about bringing it back and losing even more data or worse having to reinstall all of my programs over if they wipe it out even worse then the first time.
Not exactly, but you are trying to recover a file from a deleted user account,
It may have been protected via a check box in control panel/user accounts before they deleted it.
I'm not sure if there is much else you can try, maybe try another free recovery program...
Or if its important enough you could pay (not usually cheap) a recovery specialist to have a go, still no guarantees though.