For Twistedmetal, Limewire


thanks for fixing Power DVD in the winapp 2 file, its working fine now. Please could you fix Limewire Pro 4.12.3. It finds the program and lists it in applications/internet, but nothing gets cleaned. As a work around i have set up a custom clean of my incomplete folder, this works ok but it would be better if it cleaned from the winapp2. Also is this all that needs to be cleaned from Limewire or is there serch history and other things that need cleaning. Once again thanks for all your hard work you do to help us.

Regards Richard...

P.S It would be great if you could fix the Limewire problem as i know a lot of people who use it, thanks. :D

What is the directory for the LimeWire Pro incomplete folder? I don't have it installed anymore.

My goodness, that was quick. I'am not sure but what i do is click on my computer, then windows ©, then documents and settings, then a folder with my name on it and this brings up a few folders including the shared folder and the incomplete folder. When you say what is the directory, is this the path to the folder?. Other than the incomplete folder is there anything else that should be cleaned out. Is there such a thing as a search history with limewire etc.

Thanks for your quick reply... :)

%ProgramFiles%\LimeWire\LimeWire.exe apparently is the still the default install path.

From what you said. It sounds like it's now %appdata%\LimeWire\Incomplete

(Documents and Settings\<Name>\Application Data\LimeWire\Incomplete)

Is that right?

Twisted, the default is usually:

Documents and Settings\<Name>\Incomplete\

And as for the existing entry in WA2,


I have never seen the folder in there.

Twisted, the default is usually:

Documents and Settings\<Name>\Incomplete\

And as for the existing entry in WA2,


I have never seen the folder in there.

Yea, your right Mushu, thats what i click to get to the incomplete folder. As i asked before is there anything else that could be cleaned in limewire i.e. search history etc.

Thanks :):):)

Never used LimeWire (or FrostWire), but I've heard that FrostWire is LimeWire but without annoying popups telling you to buy the Pro version or something.

Thanks, I got winapp2.ini updated. I'll release it when I get a few more entries.

Thanks, I got winapp2.ini updated. I'll release it when I get a few more entries.

Thanks TM,

realy appreciate all the hardwork you do, will the update just clean out the incomplete folder of Limewire pro or are there any other remnants that need cleaning. I.E. is there a search history etc.

Thanks once again, Richard... :):):)

Hi TM,

Just installed the latest update to winapp2 with the Limewire fix. It still detects Limewire but still does not work...The incomplete folder does not get cleaned, sorry to be a pain but could you try again, many thanks and best regards Richard... :(:(:(


I don't wish to be a pain but the fix for Limewire did not work, as in my previous post the path to the incomplete folder is my computer, then windows ?, then documents and settings, then a folder with my name on it and this brings up a few folders including the shared folder and the incomplete folder. Please could you have another go, many thanks Richard :)

You using Windows 98 or Me?

Hi, i'am using windows XP sp2...

Go to Incomplete Folder in Windows Explorer and copy the complete path. Everything in Address toolbar.


I'am using Xp and when i search for incomplete, it finds three folders but there is nothing in the address bar ?, i click start then search. It lists 3 folders each called incomplete that look the same and the address bar is empty. Help... :(:(:(

Use Windows Explorer and not Search. Browse to the folder, the address bar is in Windows Explorer.


I think i now understand what you mean, i have clicked my way to the folder and this is what i have copied from the address bar C:\Documents and Settings\Richard\Incomplete., I hope this is what you need. Sorry to seem so slow but I'm still learning more about computers everyday. Thanks for your Patience

Regards Richard... :):):)

Ok, I will have it fixed in the next release. :)

Thanks, much appreciated. :):):)

Thanks TM

You cracked it, i just updated my winapp2 and Limewire incomplete now gets cleaned. I wonder if you could add CyberLink Power2Go 4.2 . As i use this a lot to burn and sometimes convert files to DVD. Cheers. :D:D:D