Font size very small and color light blue to grey, Very hard t read

Recently, Like with the last couple of days, the font color and size appear to have changed on my CCleaner dashboard / window. Between the very light blue/grey color and size the are almost unreadable. I noticed this after the most recent update was installed.

Any help  or suggestions on correcting this ?  Thanks

CCleaner hasn't changed so it must be your Windows setup.

Can you post a screenshot of what you are seeing?

Could be the Windows scaling. Also see if you've had any recent automatically installed display/graphics driver updates, I remember in the past (not on Win10) whenever an update was installed it also defaulted the screen to the native resolution making text too small.

Here's a screen shot, If the fonts were as dark as they appear below in the second column, it would help a bunch but they are real light colored similar to the unchecked options.

I will check  on my laptop to see if it is the same and report back in a bit. 

Googling  as well as checking this forum,  reveals the issue shows that it has been around before.  Thanks for trying to  help <img alt=":)" data-emoticon="" height="20" src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/default_smile.png" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" title=":)" width="20" /></p>


It's the greyed out unselected items? If so allot of programs do that, whereas some don't.

No, they are all about the same. If the checked boxes were as dark as they are in the posted screen shot that would help a lot, but they're not. I'm puzzled as to why the screen shot looks so different than my monitor?? Might have to check the contrast settings, but I don't want to screw up all the other places / programs because of this one :(

It does sound as if it's a Windows setting doing this.

As you say it's odd that the screenshot should be different from what you are seeing.

Maybe check the Windows Night Light settings and times?

Or it could be down to a theme that you are using which would be in personalisation rather than display settings?

Or maybe a manufacturer specific display driver/app that shipped with your computer?

TBH there are so many different things that could be causing it.