I had 2.28 previously and it was OK, but the font size is too large in 2.29. I must do a lot of unnecessary vertical scrolling to see everything in the lefthand column under Cleaner > Windows/Applications. I didn't change any font sizes on my computer, simply installed 2.29 on top of 2.28, then wa la a bigger font size appeared. (Windows XP SP3)
I had 2.28 previously and it was OK, but the font size is too large in 2.29. I must do a lot of unnecessary vertical scrolling to see everything in the lefthand column under Cleaner > Windows/Applications. I didn't change any font sizes on my computer, simply installed 2.29 on top of 2.28, then wa la a bigger font size appeared. (Windows XP SP3)
I reinstalled 2.28 and everything is back to normal. This confirms that is bug/problem in 2.29.
If you'll look carefully there's something wrong with the descenders in 2.29. The g's, y's and p's don't look right. Also notice the piece of dirt just below Windows Explorer between the E and x, like a partial descender inserted there. It's like something drew a bitmap with errors, or a malformed font. Also note that the checkboxes don't have a bottom in 2.28, and never did in prior versions that I can recall. 2.29 is the first version to have complete checkboxes.