I'm using the latest CCleaner 209, with winapp2 extracted into the installation folder, but it does not clean Flashget 1.73. When Flashget is re-opened the downloaded & deleted files are still listed. Any chance of this being fixed.
I'm using the latest CCleaner 209, with winapp2 extracted into the installation folder, but it does not clean Flashget 1.73. When Flashget is re-opened the downloaded & deleted files are still listed. Any chance of this being fixed.
Welcome to Piriform meat.
I'm using the latest CCleaner 209, with winapp2 extracted into the installation folder, but it does not clean Flashget 1.73. When Flashget is re-opened the downloaded & deleted files are still listed. Any chance of this being fixed.
I've never hear of Flashget only Getflash which is a Macromedia Flash Player Updater.
Doing a web search it appears that Flashget is a download manager. I use Download Accelerator Plus and mine shows up in the Applications section I think under Internet, I shall have to check when I get home.
If FlashGet isn't installed in the default location pre-selected by the installer that can cause cleaning to possibly fail, or that cleaning entry in winapp2.ini needs updated again which is always a possibility.
My installation of Flashget 1.73 does indeed show up in the winappi applications, but it does not get cleaned, it is installed in the default directory as per the installer. This is not the latest Flashget, but it is the Classic & probably the most popular & still readily available for download from the homepage
Thanks for the replies, I hope we can get this sorted out.
These are the values that need deleted, could someone please show me what to add to winapp.
C:\Program Files\FlashGet\Default.bk*
C:\Program Files\FlashGet\Default.jcd
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JetCar\JetCar\Recent File List,all
Come on some bright spark, help me with this problem.
Please read and follow directions:
From a bright spark
No one on this forum seeme to provide solutions, if I could I would have done it myself by now, would I not. Here is one disgruntled user who will be un-installing, & going back to 'Tracks Eraser Pro'.
How difficult would it have been for someone who knows how, to add 'Flashget 1.73' to winapp2, I even supplied the paths. In my occupation I help people every day, it seems on this forum if you can't do it yourself, Tough!
If you look at winapp2.ini making those entries is actually rather easy. All it takes is to look at other entries in it to figure out how to make your own.
Below is an example I've made from the information you've posted. Do note I don't use FlashGet whatsoever therefore I won't be testing this cleaning routine out.
You'll have to verify that:
* The line after RegKey1 is correct, otherwise it won't clean that Recent File List.
* It removes those Default.bk* in FileKey1.
[*FlashGet 1.73]LangSecRef=3022Detect=HKCU\Software\JetCarDefault=TrueRegKey1=HKCU\Software\JetCar\JetCar|Recent File List,allFileKey1=%programfiles%\FlashGet|Default.bk*FileKey2=%programfiles%\FlashGet|Default.jcd
Other than that I've thrown you a bone, and it's easy to modify it if it doesn't suit your needs.
Actually it wasn't as hard to work out as I first thought, similar to 'the bone' but not exactly. Tested & working perfectly. This is how it should look.
[*FlashGet 1.73]LangSecRef=3022Detect=HKCU\Software\JetCarDefault=TrueRegKey1=HKCU\Software\JetCar\JetCar|Recent File ListFileKey1=%programfiles%\FlashGet|Default.bk*FileKey2=%programfiles%\FlashGet|Default.jcdFileKey3=%programfiles%\FlashGet|Default.jcd.bak
I have sent TwistedMetal a pm asking him to add it to winapp2.
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