I used to play a long while back, and now I want to start over again (On this account.). I saved my password on my main account and now whenever I open flashplayer it comes up with that account. How can I log out from there and log in with my new account?
I know its not about CClenaer but should i download CCleaner and see if it will help me or not?
You must explain things better with all the facts.
Noo noo I mean
when i click on Remeber me then i want to enter the game on another account it enters me to the old account which i clicked on remeber me i want to enter the another account
so have u any idea how to cancel it? or should i use CCleaer which i can enter the game by using flash player and with all account without entering me to the first account
First, it seems you misunderstood Hazelnut because you provided little more than you did the first post.
Now I think I can at least parse a little of what you are saying so let me try
FACT 1: you are playing a flash based webgame. This game allows you to login to the creators server so that parts of your game can carry over from the last time you played.
FACT 2: Although you have multiple accounts on that creator's server you place a checkmark in the remember me box. Now whenever you attempt to log on with another account you find that the game not only remembers the first account, but won't change accounts.
Now if these are correct facts then it is very likely that the flash game uses flash-cookies or browser-cookies. Ccleaner does indeed clean these via the section relating to your browser (chrome, Edge, Firefox, internet explorer) and "Adobe Flash Cookies" which I believe is either under multimedia or internet, but it's listed somewhere on the second tab of ccleaner's cleaning tool.
First, it seems you misunderstood Hazelnut because you provided little more than you did the first post. Now I think I can at least parse a little of what you are saying so let me try FACT 1: you are playing a flash based webgame. This game allows you to login to the creators server so that parts of your game can carry over from the last time you played. FACT 2: Although you have multiple accounts on that creator's server you place a checkmark in the remember me box. Now whenever you attempt to log on with another account you find that the game not only remembers the first account, but won't change accounts. Now if these are correct facts then it is very likely that the flash game uses flash-cookies or browser-cookies. Ccleaner does indeed clean these via the section relating to your browser (chrome, Edge, Firefox, internet explorer) and "Adobe Flash Cookies" which I believe is either under multimedia or internet, but it's listed somewhere on the second tab of ccleaner's cleaning tool.
thnx mush, i downloaded the CCleaner and it works now , thnx again my mate