Fixing Issues

<_< I receive the following error message after running the issue mode: Error fixing all registry issues. Subscript out of range.

<_< I receive the following error message after running the issue mode: Error fixing all registry issues. Subscript out of range.

Asked about this about a month ago . . . No one seemed too interested. I too get this error consistantly on XP, Win98 and Win 95 (don't ask).

I wll enter my message again in this thread . . . I think this is a bug, but knowbody has confirmed or denied yet . . .


We're sorry we didn't get to your message sooner (it seems I missed it completely).

You get this error consistently how? What's common on all your OSes that aren't on mine, for instance? I use CCleaner on 20+ machines per week, and haven't seen this one yet. I'd have to assume that there is either a corrupt registry entry, or an illegal character is in an entry that CCleaner can't handle (some nulls, some low ascii, and whatnot), or maybe it's not that simple.

ejohnson and Syphus, please describe exactly the procedure to reproduce this error. Include any relevant details about your operating system, internet explorer, firefox (if applicable), the registry keys and/or values in question, etc.

Asked about this about a month ago . . . No one seemed too interested. I too get this error consistantly on XP, Win98 and Win 95 (don't ask).

I wll enter my message again in this thread . . . I think this is a bug, but knowbody has confirmed or denied yet . . .


I started to get this error message only after the latest upgrade of 1.18.101. Ty for your reply( your the only one that seems to know what the hell iam talking about :blink:

We're sorry we didn't get to your message sooner (it seems I missed it completely).

You get this error consistently how? What's common on all your OSes that aren't on mine, for instance? I use CCleaner on 20+ machines per week, and haven't seen this one yet. I'd have to assume that there is either a corrupt registry entry, or an illegal character is in an entry that CCleaner can't handle (some nulls, some low ascii, and whatnot), or maybe it's not that simple.

ejohnson and Syphus, please describe exactly the procedure to reproduce this error. Include any relevant details about your operating system, internet explorer, firefox (if applicable), the registry keys and/or values in question, etc.

All my OS,s are win 98 and it only occures during a second "issues" scan, but never one the first scan(hmmmm). Could it be that I have overrun a registry value for the module? :huh:

I've located this issue and it'll be fixed in the next release. :)

Awesome, MrG!

DjLizard, Sorry I did not get back to you . . . I am going to Download the latest version (1.19) and see if it has gone away.

If I get it again, I will report back. Hell, if it does not come back, I'll let you know.


I just ran version 1.19 and did not encounter the problem.

Thanks for the fix and great program . .
