first time Defraggler...

Three days ago I downloaded and immediately run Defraggler 2.03.282 on a Dell workstation M4300 (Core2 Duo 2.63GHz, 4Gb RAM, XPPro) with Seagate harddisk 320Gb, 7200RPM, single NTFS partition with 19% free space.

Before defragmentation, analysis reported fragmentation of 54%. During defrag laptop was used for few minutes (check email). Defrag completed in total of about 35hours (it was interrupted once since I needed to take laptop with me, hence combined time). Didn't think of it at a time but perhaps it would be good idea to turn off AVG while defrag is active.

Anyway, I run analysis again after completion and it says that defragmentation is 48% and number of fragmented files increased from 1127 to 1462.

What is this supposed to mean? I was expecting that after defrag completes, result is 100% fragment free (0% fragmented) or at least something very close to those numbers.

Why fragmentation reduced by only 6% and how come I have more fragmented files after running defrag?

I just decided to run it again and attached screenshot shows what the screen looks like 10-15 minutes into that second run.




Judging by your drive map I think you're running a little low on freespace without sufficient contiguous freespace it's difficult to defrag files.

Run "Disk Cleanup" on Local Disk (C:) (My Computer, "Local Disk (C:)" right click "properties") clear your internet cache i.e. Firefox / Opera.

Emptying your system restore points would also free a lot of disk space (Disable / Enable System Restore) but only do this if you have no intention of rolling back software or driver changes.

Now run Defraggler again, hit "File list" after "Analyze" to see what's fragmented this section also gives you the opportunity to defrag groups of files based on their size / fragmented status.

I tend to defrag files smaller than 100MB first than defrag freespace it makes defragging larger files later more successful.

Richard S.