Three days ago I downloaded and immediately run Defraggler 2.03.282 on a Dell workstation M4300 (Core2 Duo 2.63GHz, 4Gb RAM, XPPro) with Seagate harddisk 320Gb, 7200RPM, single NTFS partition with 19% free space.
Before defragmentation, analysis reported fragmentation of 54%. During defrag laptop was used for few minutes (check email). Defrag completed in total of about 35hours (it was interrupted once since I needed to take laptop with me, hence combined time). Didn't think of it at a time but perhaps it would be good idea to turn off AVG while defrag is active.
Anyway, I run analysis again after completion and it says that defragmentation is 48% and number of fragmented files increased from 1127 to 1462.
What is this supposed to mean? I was expecting that after defrag completes, result is 100% fragment free (0% fragmented) or at least something very close to those numbers.
Why fragmentation reduced by only 6% and how come I have more fragmented files after running defrag?
I just decided to run it again and attached screenshot shows what the screen looks like 10-15 minutes into that second run.