
FireFox 2.0 RC2 - No release change log found yet <_<

Good here :)

i thought this was already brought up in a different thread..

i thought this was already brought up in a different thread..

This version may have been brought up... but it wasn't released till now :)

Just updated from RC1 to RC2 today. Don't know whats changed though...

I like it! :D

Go Firefox! :)

whats RC1 and RC2?

whats RC1 and RC2?

It stands for Release Client.

Its usually the last step before the final releases but lately its the cool thing to not say anything is final and only release alphas, betas, and release clients. :lol:

I thought it meant Release Candidate...?

Yeah whatever. :P

Just a mistake. :lol:

Expect a RC3 in the next week or so: