Hey everybody I have a question for the experts,I downloaded and now using Firefox 1.0.6,does Firefox have this,example when I was using IE and went to a web site say Microsoft and did a search it would pull up every site for what I was searching for, with a link to click on, then after you visited it and used the back arrow that link you just visited would change colors showing you had already been there,does it have and can Firefox be set to do this?Thanks
I have the same question. I can get around it by going to Tools, Options, General, Fonts & Colors, and ticking "Always use my: Colors" but this also changes the appearance of many of the Web pages I visit by removing shading, changing background colors, etc. I've tried enabling cookies for the sites on which I want to keep a record of links visited but it doesn't to help.
Also, If anyone out there is having a bad computer day, this link may be helpful:
Thanks for a great product and taking the time to maintain such a helpful forum!
not related to this but there are 2212 people signed up to this forum, shows how good CCleaner is
From what I get of your question you want to know if you do a search on google and click on a link. Then go back to the google seach the link should have turned purple. If thats what your talking about than it should do it by default. If thats not what your talking about than I don't know.
The problem is that no links are marked as visited. I did a Google search and this seems to be a problem that is afflicting a small number of users. Theories range from "hitting the back key undoes the visited link color change by design" (wrong, doesn't matter how I return to the previous page) to "the Remember visited links option in tools, options, privacy is set to "0 Days" (not in my case) to another program erasing color changes for privacy reasons, and so forth. Some people think it's a bug related to CSS, Java, or a firefox configuration issue, etc.
Some think we mamby pamby complainers should just get over it since there are so few of us that this is happening to and all the other great firefox features make up for it (This is True!)
Anyway, going to Tools, Options, General, Fonts & Colors, and choosing Link Colors you want firefox to use and then check Always use my: Colors is the easiest fix.
There is an extension on Mozilla's site called LinkVisitor that allows you to manually mark links as visited or not but that seems rather tedious although it's useful in other ways as well.
Hope this helps...
NEW INFO! A solution that seems to work very well can be found here:
Hello all-
I finally noticed that Firefox can't mark links as visited if the site's cookies are blocked. Somehow I had the impression all cookies are the work of the devil and must be blocked at all costs but obviously they aren't...
Why wouldn't the maid* clean or use the Microsoft computer?
She doesn't do Windows
*not sure if maid is an acceptable term these days, perhaps domicile engineer or domestic facilitator would be more PC
PC! get it?
Sorry, I'll skulk away now.
Thanks for CCleaner and this forum!
Changing Options to accept cookies as I described earlier only worked for a short time.
The only thing that works consistently is the "Always use my: Colors" technique.
After reading a lot of posts in forums and knowledge bases these are the explanations of why this happens: 1) Some web sites control whether links change color or not. 2) It's a Java issue. 3) It is related to CSS code. No one seems to know why this affects only certain users.
Changing History, Cookie, and Privacy settings seem to work for a short time, if at all.
Some people have posted code they say fixes this but that's beyond my understanding or ability.
If anyone finds an easy fix please post...