Firefox to get phishing shield

An upcoming version of Firefox will include protection against phishing scams, using technology that might come from Google.

The phishing shield is a key new security feature planned for Firefox 2, slated for release in the third quarter of this year, Mozilla's Mike Shaver said in an interview Tuesday.

"Everybody understands that phishing is a significant problem on the Web," said Shaver, a technology strategist at the company, which oversees Firefox development. "We are putting antiphishing into Firefox, and Google is working with us on that."

With the continued rise in online attacks, security tools have become something Web browser makers can use to try to stand out. Microsoft plans to include features to protect Web surfers against online scams in Internet Explorer 7, due later in 2006. Similar functionality is already in Netscape 8 and Opera 8, both released last year.

Maybe phishing is more needed for dumb users. I dont really worry about it.

I would rather see optimizations in speed and memory usage.

Maybe phishing is more needed for dumb users. I dont really worry about it.

I would rather see optimizations in speed and memory usage.

Google already has a phishing site extension that is supposed to alert you. So most likely, that will just be integrated right into FF. I do agree that optimizations and less memory usage should be priorities. I think the biggest reason FF is having an antiphishing filter added in is to compete with IE7's phishing filter. IE went and stole all of FF's features, so I guess FF just wants to re-even things up.

Although, of course, it still won't be an even match, because it will be a long time before IE7 becomes even remotely as stable as Mozilla Firefox! :D

Firefox may have a host more features, and be faster, but I found so many sites that wouldn't work on it, it was mad. With IE7's new features, the ability to view ALL sites, and with TuneUp Utilities Internet Optimizer that speeds up IE loads, I'm gonna be happy enough when IE7 is released.

Well since these tools are pretty useless this isnt really big news. The netscape one is horrible and does anyone even use the google one? Probably not.

I hadn't even heard of the Google one until this thread, but then again all I use Google as is a search engine and nothing more but solely because it's search function is built into Opera.

It's nice to know Opera has antiphising built in, which is something I knew nothing about, and strangely on this forum someone links to a site in their signature that Opera barks about on the URL and refuses to load it - whatever that is.

The only google programs I use are picasa(their is not a better photo program anywhere) and occasionally google earth if I'm bored.


I'll have to give picasa a try since you regard it highly.

I've personally been in an image editing rut of having to switch back and forth multiple times to edit an image using MS Paint, Paint.NET and then finally save with IrfanView because it can maximize png compression before I run a PNG optimizer on my png's.

eh we were talking about google so its sorta on topic. :D

Picasa is one of those apps that once you have it you wondered who you managed without it.

I agree rridgely, I'd be lost without Picasa.

Yeah, and make it pass the ACID2 test. (Smiley)

Neither Firefox, IE6 or IE7 passes the ACID2 test.

Yeah, and make it pass the ACID2 test. (Smiley)

Neither Firefox, IE6 or IE7 passes the ACID2 test.

That test is the dumbest idea ever. Half of the crap on it aren't even used on web pages. So who cares if your browser shows a line a little scrambled in one place?

...and does anyone even use the google one? Probably not.


Well... technically... I do...

But it doesn't really do anything (or hasn't yet, anyway). The only reason I got it was cause it sounded nifty and it was small. Who knows, maybe one day it will save my life! :lol:

But as far as Google apps go, I use Gmail, Google Talk, and the aforementioned Google Safe Browsing extension. I also use Google's text, video, and image search, and I use their page language translator. Now that I have my CustomizeGoogle extension, I feel pretty safe using Google's products, because it anonymizes/prevents them from getting info about me.