Firefox Send

Firefox Send is a free file sharing service that anyone may use; a copy of Firefox is not required to use it. Just point any modern web browser to to get started.

You may add files with a total size of up to 1 Gigabyte as an unregistered user for sharing. The file size limit increases to 2.5 Gigabytes for registered users. Firefox account owners may sign in using the account, and anyone else may sign up for a Firefox Account to share up to 2.5 Gigabytes and may also manage uploaded files from other devices and change expiration limits. Creation of an account is free; there is no paid version.

You may drag and drop files that you want to share with others on the Firefox Send site or use the upload button to use the file browser to pick files instead.

And how long will it be for copyright holders/owners to force that site to get taken down, like so many other file sharing sites in years past due to illegal sharing of music, movies, etc.

I'm sure Mozilla would have looked into that first before offering it to the public.

Thing is even with "algorithms" to detect such things they can be defeated, for instance just pack something in an archive that needs a password then it can't get a fingerprint on say a music file.