FireFox Screenshot

ok, im alwase intriuged (dont murder me, that is a really hard word to spell) by the way peoples windows and things look. So, i say we all post a screenshot of what our firefox browser looks like at the homepage with a tab that is the home of CCleaner.

here is mine (i love my skin)

also, would be nice if you said your skin and theme if you have either.

Skin - Saferfox Expanded

Theme - Energy Blue

I like my themes to be simple and small

My firefox theme is haiku fox and my windows theme is lunar element 4 set to black compact.

ya, mine is pretty compact w/out the tabs, i like it tho how my weather and google search are there too, but they dont add extra information lines.


I like my themes to be simple and small

My firefox theme is haiku fox and my windows theme is lunar element 4 set to black compact.

Luna Element 4.

Luna Element 4.

Whatever, I got it from a link you put up. :P

Well, here is mine. need Adblock. ;)

I don't block CCleaner Ads. The webspace has to be paid for someway. :D need Adblock. ;)

Thats more trouble than its worth. I used no script and it drove me crazy! Almost no web page would work properly and I didnt want to mess with configuring it.

CrystalXP (Crystal dlb 2)