Firefox Internet Cache very slow cleaning

Since installing CCleaner 5.x, it has been taking several minutes to clean. Today, I uninstalled 5.05 and reverted to 4.19 and now the cache cleaning wizzes through in seconds.

I am using Win 8.1 (64-bit).

Any ideas? Thanks,


To clarify - 4.19 takes about 50 seconds to complete a cleaning cycle. I reinstalled 5.05.5176 and it took 12m35s to complete a cycle, with the same settings.

In CCleaner:

Under the Firefox heading if you have Compact Databases enabled/ticked that can be one reason for cleaning taking so long.

No, I only have the same top five Firefox items ticked, as when using 4.19. In fact, all of the items ticked are exactly the same and yet there is this massive difference in performance. I'm surprised that no-one else is suffering from this.

Actually, I have now found that I am not alone. I found this:

and does the Slim version perform better for you like it did for the other poster in that thread?

4.19 takes about 50 seconds to complete a cleaning cycle. with w8.1

also this takes a long time, in my opinion ... for me is complete with ca. 20 sec. or less.

except after a prolonged period of ff without cleaning

I installed the 'slim' version and that sure is fast. Like 5 - 10 seconds. Inevitably, that leaves me asking if it is doing a thorough job. Apart from the name on the installation file, nowhere else does it mention that it is a 'slim' version.

far as I know, only the Google Chrome browser to download as is linked.

it can be determined only by moderators or developers...

Note: there is 100% zero difference between the regular and slim versions. The only difference is within the installation process. The former includes a revenue generating google bundle and the latter doesn't. Any perceived differences beyond that are placebo.

Interesting. I increased the scan security to 3 passes, visited a few web sites with photos and videos, ran CCleaner again and it took 40 seconds. Not bad I think.

i mean, for our private thing, is cleaning with 1 pass enough. (i take nothing...)

Yes with modern drives one secure pass is just as effective, and less destructive to the hardware drive, as multiple wipes

I use an SSD anyway and they are supposedly more delicate than HDDs. Thanks for your help guys.

Sounds more like something was wrong with the installed copy, and over-installing/re-installing fixed it. We'll have to remember that if anyone else is having that slow cleaning issue.

Sounds more like something was wrong with the installed copy, and over-installing/re-installing fixed it. We'll have to remember that if anyone else is having that slow cleaning issue.

Why then does the 'slim' version exist?

Slim version exists for those who don't want to deal with the Google installer (or those that run eset which flags and quarantines any installer with budled revenue-ware)

Note: there is 100% zero difference between the regular and slim versions. The only difference is within the installation process. The former includes a revenue generating google bundle and the latter doesn't. Any perceived differences beyond that are placebo.

The question that remains is, what happens when it comes to the next update? Does the update file also contain the revenue generating bundle?

this is to assume.

i simply uncheck the offer and its ok. later if its available i download the slimversion (without reinstall) and delete the standard-version.exe

this is to assume.

i simply uncheck the offer and its ok. later if its available i download the slimversion (without reinstall) and delete the standard-version.exe

I guess so. The problem is that those pre-ticked boxes slip through so easily and once the unwanted software gets installed it is sometimes very difficult to uninstall completely.