Every time I try and use cclean it crashes at FF history.
Bit of background. For awhile my computer stalled big time. I reinstalled flash, did a chkdsk, Defraged my puter...so on and so forth.
But after I put my FF back to a default config it went back to normal?
Only now every time i try and run ccleaner it crashes at FF history.
Ohh. I also did 3 online virus checks and DL malwarebytes and found nothing.
Any Idea's would be welcome:)
OS, CC and FF versions?
Some things to try; run CC from Safe Mode to ensure no FF background task is interfering.
Next try either reinstalling FF or creating a new FF profile.
Ok. First sorry for the late reply. Work has been a pain in the behind:)
And I'll probally face palm for this, but how do I put ccleaner in safe mode? For the life of me, I can't see a option to do it.
I'd like to try safe mode before I screw with FF again.
Edit to add. not used to this forum, my post looked alot worse when I posted:)
mta means putting your PC into safe mode and then running ccleaner.
If you need help with doing that just ask, plus say what operating system you are using.
LOL. :Insert picard face palm here:
Yea. Not to long after I posted. I was like ohhhh, he meant my pc. Bad brain, no more beer for you:p
Anyway, I did a clean install of firefox and it seems to work fine now. Thanks to all that helped out:)
Glad it's working.
And a late welcome to the forum.