FireFox "Group Tabs"


I'm using FireFox on a Win 7 Pro P.C. and the most recent CCleaner update.

I use a lot of the FireFox "Group Tabs" option (often keeping several hundred inactive on the 'group tabs' page) and, because they (and the internet history feature) are erased by running CCleaner I cannot run 'cleaner as frequently as I'd like.

Can anyone advise which box on the 'cleaner menu I can uncheck (or check) in order to run 'cleaner but still preserve my group tabs?

Alternatively, is there some place I can safely store my 'tabs' while I run cleaner (and as a back-up)?

Thanks to whomever can reply.


Try unticking Firefox - Session

That did the trick! Thanks.

Do you also know what to uncheck to preserve the internet history?

Applications / Firefox / Internet History

maybe you need to untick them all and just keep Compact Databases, if you want your FF usage to be completely undisturbed.

As to your FF backup idea, I think its Sync function should do the job.