Firefox extension thread

What do you all think of having a firefox extension pinned thread. We could all list the extensions we use and then a small description of why its useful. I think it could be interesting. What do you all think?

If enough people think its worth it I'll put it up. :D

Sure, why not? Great idea XD! I'm up for it.

Yeah I could go for that. I occasionally find new add ons that people use that i find very useful.

Sounds like a good ideal so long as a few aspects are meant:

* Name of extension, with URL link (makes no sense in listing them with a URL link)

* Description of extension

I also think it's a great idea. I have found a lot of great extensions by seeing what other people are using and if people have a bad experience with an extension it would be good to know that, too.

Alright I made the thread. I think the format I used works but it doesn't have to be done that way. Let me know what you think. :)

I could've recommended more in the new extension thread, but I've been on an extension cleanup routine as of late.

For instance I found out that the Favicon picker wasn't needed for blocking favicons by using my own bookmark image because in about:config there's a way to turn off site icons. Also IE-Tab didn't make much sense to me anymore because Internet Explorer is installed so why bog down Firefox with an extension to load IE's engine.

IE is kinda nice for when you go to a site that only uses internet explorer while you had been using firefox for a while. For instance if you know the site your about to go on uses IE when you first sit down then its dumb to even open firefox but if you click a link while browsing the fact that you can just press a button and have it load up is nice(saves copying and pasting the url).

Ok... I'm lazy but thats what computers are for. :D

Why were you turning off favicons? I kind of like them...

They never seem to be right in FF though. Like I will have a ccleaner logo on my digg bookmark sometimes.

I only use the Adblock extension.










Why were you turning off favicons? I kind of like them...

They never seem to be right in FF though. Like I will have a ccleaner logo on my digg bookmark sometimes.

They don't bother me that much if they're inside say a bookmarks folder and if it pertains to an application.

I used to like them when I used IE but that's at least six years ago. Now I don't like them especially in the Personal Bar because I like it to look all uniform without nothing standing out, I guess I just like the original installed Firefox bookmarks icon.


@ Eldmannen

What's up with your signature? All those Get Firefox images were a good laugh.

They don't bother me that much if they're inside say a bookmarks folder and if it pertains to an application.

I used to like them when I used IE but that's at least six years ago. Now I don't like them especially in the Personal Bar because I like it to look all uniform without nothing standing out, I guess I just like the original installed Firefox bookmarks icon.


@ Eldmannen

What's up with your signature? All those Get Firefox images were a good laugh.

The favicon is not a webstandard. It was first used by Microsoft in Internet Explorer, but it is bad for many reasons.

1. It is does a request on all sites for /favicon.ico even though the file may not be present, instead of assume it is not present, and only attempt to retrieve it if its referenced from the the <link> tag of the HTML document.

2. It uses the .ico file format which is a Windows file format.

Other browsers such as Firefox later implemented a similiar concept, but more correctly. Favicons are referenced via the <link> tag as:

<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="/path/image.png">

See Favicon on Wikipedia.

While the favicon concept isnt a bad idea, Microsoft needs to stop segregate the web. Start following web standards, and be more open about stuff and stop with crappy and dumb implementations.


It is not a signature, it was part of the post, as this post is about Firefox, I thought maybe someone wanted some buttons.