A'ight Please stay on subject and try to help Rebecca out.
Thank you,
Rebecca I'm sorry if it feels as though members are not being helpful they are (mostly) just trying to get enough information to make informed suggestions.
As far as bugfixing yes it is on going of course and as Winapp2 stated the developers watch every thread but rarly will comment past a "thanks we'll look into this" (which is more than most software developers)Obviously if ccleaner even lists Firefox or chrome on your build then indeed custom is working, if it doesn't list them then indeed something is going on wrong with customlocations.
Example: I just tried this myself
My Portable Firefox sits on my M Drive
I placed "CustomLocation1=FIREFOX|M:\firefox\Data\profile" into the bottom of my ccleaner.ini, saved it, booted up ccleaner and firefox was detected.
I also placed "CustomLocation2=CHROME|M:\GoogleChromePortable\Data\profile\default" and "CustomLocation2=CHROME|M:\GoogleChromePortable\Data\profile\" point to my Chrome Portable and indeed this was NOT detected. So I hope that will aid the developers some in working this out
As far as the compacting of databases, CCleaner did claim to be compacting my databases for the abovce mentioned firefox. But I've no idea how to check the validity of it's job. In your case couple of things might be occuring here:
1) It may be that the browsers are not completly closing when you exit them. Open task manager and search for firefox.exe and chrome to exe in the PROCESSES TAB
2) Databases are compacted on a AS needed basis it may be that they don't need compacting. . . I'm unsure how often or on what basis the compacting occurs (someone asked earlier and I don't remember what/or if the answer was)
On a final Note you state clearly
I've posted several times without getting answers, so I'm hoping this title is more eye-catching
which confounds me because the closest that I see to you ever posting in your history is the Topic where you ask How to use custom locations Which I did endevor to give aid best I could and a VERY passing reference in a unrelated topic where you asked how it worked:
Which also was attempted to be answered by Andvari
Rebecca Menessec, on 25 June 2010 - 06:01 PM, said:
While I'm about it: does anyone know how to use the SQLite-compressing functionality that was introduced for Firefox? Chrom[ium] also uses quite a lot of SQLite3 databases that could probably benefit from occasional VACUUM;-ing.
You just enable it for Firefox in:
Cleaner -> Applications -> Firefox/Mozilla -> Compact Databases
I don't know what command CC uses to do it, but compacting the FF SQLite database is common knowledge and even FF can do it per the user manually inputting some code as seen here:
As for vacuuming Chrome's database, there's this I found via a search but since I don't use Chrome I can't verify it works:
you then ended by you mentioning a comparison to compacting chrome and firefox on Linux
Please understand we are all volunteers and are attemping to work out what is wrong on your particular install of ccleaner