Firefox, Chrome cleaning DEAD

I've posted several times without getting answers, so I'm hoping this title is more eye-catching

  • Custom locations for Firefox don't work
  • Custom locations for Chrome don't work
  • Database compression for Firefox is broken

Are there any plans to make this functionality work? Ever?

ccleaner.ini looks like this, leaving out unnecessary entries:

(App)Mozilla - Compact Databases=True

Ever since I started using Firefox nightlies (Namoroka), database compaction broke. Uninstalling the nightly build and reinstalling vanilla Fox made no difference. No prompts, no cleaning, nothing. CCleaner finds the Fox profile with or without the CustomLocation entry, but never performs compaction.

Chromium profile cleaning's never worked at all, ever. Chromium 6, 7, and now 8: total loss.

Yes, I have the correct syntax: http://www.piriform....5/ccleaner-v235

Is CCleaner defunct? Is bugfixing on hold until this mysterious 3.0 build is released? I have yet to get a reply from an actual Piriform employee that I know of. Do they even watch these forums? :angry:

Hi, they do in fact watch these forums quite a bit. Have you tried updating to 2.36?


would look like (for me) C:\Users\Robbie\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\6o8hetz2.default

does yours look similar?

The lady doth protest too much, methinks ! !

How can anyone use an out of date tool and complain that it does not clean current applications.

How on earth can anyone complain about failure to clean NEXT YEARS applications.

It is one thing to hope that a Beta application can be cleaned, but a nightly build is a bit extreme.

Surely the idea of a nightly build of Firefox is for testers to report back to Mozilla when they have got it wrong and it is no longer compatible with CCleaner ! ! !



Hi, they do in fact watch these forums quite a bit. Have you tried updating to 2.36?

Of course. I linked to the announcement; not the version I have installed. My previous attempts to point out this problem ended up with people calling the syntax into question, so I linked to the only place Piriform appears to document it: one announcement.


would look like (for me) C:\Users\Robbie\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\6o8hetz2.default

does yours look similar?

I was purposely not leaking information about my system(s) or account(s). Yes, mine looks similar.

The lady doth protest too much, methinks ! !

How can anyone use an out of date tool and complain that it does not clean current applications.

Can the butchery of Shakespeare, please. What out of date application? See my previous response. And don't assume.

How on earth can anyone complain about failure to clean NEXT YEARS applications.

It is one thing to hope that a Beta application can be cleaned, but a nightly build is a bit extreme.

Surely the idea of a nightly build of Firefox is for testers to report back to Mozilla when they have got it wrong and it is no longer compatible with CCleaner ! ! !

Sorry, what? What's next year's application? Are you referring to Firefox? I said it doesn't compact database for ANY build of Firefox, including full release builds. Were you assuming I meant Firefox 4? I'm using Namoroka nightlies. Not Minefield.

Or did you mean Chromium? There's precious little difference between a "stable" Chrome release, a "development" release, or the hourly-ish buildbot releases. And I said it hasn't been working for any version of Chromium I've tried. When I say "Chromium 6, 7, 8", I mean "any half-assed release of a browser from Google, whether it has a shorter name or no."

Will the next contestant please read, then respond? In that order? Try to know something about web browsers, too. It's been a long-ass week already.

How can anyone use an out of date tool and complain that it does not clean current applications.

Oh, by the way: this was broken in 2.34, too. It was broken in 2.35, which I merely pointed to for the Chromium announcement. 2.36? Yes, also broken.

And? I can compact both Firefox and Chromium SQLite databases just fine with: SQLite. Yes, Firefox 3.x (and 4.0pre, which I've never even glanced at) all use SQLite 3.x databases. They haven't changed at all except in the details of how many databases and what those databases store. So now I'm using PowerShell, which I loathe, to pass out filenames to a Win64 build of SQLite 3.20, which can issue a VACUUM just fine. It's funny: I use Firefox *and* Chromium on Win32, Win64, and amd64 Linux (Gentoo and Ubuntu). SQLite compacts databases just fine in all four cases.

Given the evidence that Firefox and Chromium are not in some way frakking around with their usage of SQLite, the evidence points to: CCleaner! Which, out of the two ways I know of to compact Firefox or Chromium databases, is the only thing consistently broken. Are you seeing the pattern, or is it just me?

Can the butchery of Shakespeare, please.

"Methinks the lady protests ..." sprang to mind,

but I checked with Google which told me that was a common misquotation,

so I copied and pasted their version - sorry if Google got it wrong.

What out of date application? See my previous response. And don't assume.

Your previous response was not present when I posted,

so your quoted 2.35 and my assumptions were all I had to go on.

Also please note that you left me guessing about your O.S.

All I could deduce was that it was not XP.

Sorry, what? What's next year's application? Are you referring to Firefox? I said it doesn't compact database for ANY build of Firefox, including full release builds. Were you assuming I meant Firefox 4? I'm using Namoroka nightlies. Not Minefield.

I was referring to Namoroka nightlies.

Please expect confusion all round if you are simultaneously complaining in one thread about Google Foistware and Firefox.

(Google Earth has worked for a few years but earlier this year it stalled and told me I had to download a new driver,

after which I found it had also installed Google Chrome. I promptly removed Chrome and also Google Earth.)

Sorry I do not know the difference between Namoroka and Minefield, but I think I understood Nightlies.

I have just looked at

that has a link showing Namoroka was updated 20-Oct-2010 05:31.

Perhaps I am too pessimistic, but I am not expecting that to finish before Christmas.

It may be stable, but is it consistent in all that it does and how it does it,

and if so what are they doing every day that merits an update ?


"Methinks the lady protests ..." sprang to mind,

From the Dover Edition of Hamlet sitting on my desk:

P. Queen: ...........(truncated)Both here and hence pursue me lasting strife, if once I be a widow, ever I be a wife

P. King: 'Tis deeply sworn. Sweet, leave me here a while, my spirits grow dull, and fain I would beguile the tedious day with sleep. [sleeps.

P. Queen: Sleep rock thy brain, and never come mischance between us twain! [Exit.

Ham: Madam, how like you this play?

Queen:The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

Ham: O, but she'll keep her word.

A'ight Please stay on subject and try to help Rebecca out.

Thank you,


Rebecca I'm sorry if it feels as though members are not being helpful they are (mostly) just trying to get enough information to make informed suggestions.

As far as bugfixing yes it is on going of course and as Winapp2 stated the developers watch every thread but rarly will comment past a "thanks we'll look into this" (which is more than most software developers)Obviously if ccleaner even lists Firefox or chrome on your build then indeed custom is working, if it doesn't list them then indeed something is going on wrong with customlocations.

Example: I just tried this myself

My Portable Firefox sits on my M Drive

I placed "CustomLocation1=FIREFOX|M:\firefox\Data\profile" into the bottom of my ccleaner.ini, saved it, booted up ccleaner and firefox was detected.

I also placed "CustomLocation2=CHROME|M:\GoogleChromePortable\Data\profile\default" and "CustomLocation2=CHROME|M:\GoogleChromePortable\Data\profile\" point to my Chrome Portable and indeed this was NOT detected. So I hope that will aid the developers some in working this out

As far as the compacting of databases, CCleaner did claim to be compacting my databases for the abovce mentioned firefox. But I've no idea how to check the validity of it's job. In your case couple of things might be occuring here:

1) It may be that the browsers are not completly closing when you exit them. Open task manager and search for firefox.exe and chrome to exe in the PROCESSES TAB

2) Databases are compacted on a AS needed basis it may be that they don't need compacting. . . I'm unsure how often or on what basis the compacting occurs (someone asked earlier and I don't remember what/or if the answer was)

On a final Note you state clearly

I've posted several times without getting answers, so I'm hoping this title is more eye-catching

which confounds me because the closest that I see to you ever posting in your history is the Topic where you ask How to use custom locations Which I did endevor to give aid best I could and a VERY passing reference in a unrelated topic where you asked how it worked:

Which also was attempted to be answered by Andvari

Rebecca Menessec, on 25 June 2010 - 06:01 PM, said:

While I'm about it: does anyone know how to use the SQLite-compressing functionality that was introduced for Firefox? Chrom[ium] also uses quite a lot of SQLite3 databases that could probably benefit from occasional VACUUM;-ing.

You just enable it for Firefox in:

Cleaner -> Applications -> Firefox/Mozilla -> Compact Databases

I don't know what command CC uses to do it, but compacting the FF SQLite database is common knowledge and even FF can do it per the user manually inputting some code as seen here:

As for vacuuming Chrome's database, there's this I found via a search but since I don't use Chrome I can't verify it works:

you then ended by you mentioning a comparison to compacting chrome and firefox on Linux

Please understand we are all volunteers and are attemping to work out what is wrong on your particular install of ccleaner

As far as bugfixing yes it is on going of course and as Winapp2 stated the developers watch every thread but rarly will comment past a "thanks we'll look into this" (which is more than most software


I haven't gotten any response at all from Piriform employees. None, zip, zilch. I'm trying to attract at least one of them, and get at least an acknowledgment that the next release will have fixes, or else get a request for more information to help them find the problem.

Obviously if ccleaner even lists Firefox or chrome

CCleaner lists Firefox whether or not I use the CUSTOM directive, as I explained. Chromium is never displayed. CCleaner does not compact Firefox databases even though it's detected one of my profiles.

1) It may be that the browsers are not completly closing when you exit them

Sorry, it's not one of the easy ones. I've been using, hacking up, or administrating Windows since 3.0. I use Process Hacker instead of Task Manager, by the way. It's a nice little replacement for SysInternals Process Explorer, and it's available in native 64-bit, unlike the SysInternals utils. Recommended.

2) Databases are compacted on a AS needed basis it may be that they don't need compacting. . . I'm unsure how often or on what basis the compacting occurs (someone asked earlier and I don't remember what/or if the answer was)

Not this, either. When CCleaner did compact Firefox databases, it compacted on every run, or else warned me there wouldn't be any compaction because Firefox was running. Now there's no compaction, ever.

Please understand we are all volunteers and are attemping to work out what is wrong on your particular install of ccleaner

Sorry, I assumed forum moderators would be Piriform employees. I apologise for my own assumption.