Firefox Browser plug-ins

I stopped using Firefox some time back & switched to Brave which I found more to my liking. In C Cleaner Browser Plug-Ins I get all the Firefox plug-ins I used in the past. I cannot get rid of Firefox being recognised as a browser in use. IU have removed all & everything relating to Firefox that I can find on my PC & even deleted & re-intalled C Cleaner but still Firefox is recognised as a browser in use. Probably insignificant but these things annoy me. How do I fix this please.

eihter there is some folder that find ccleaner

or there is an registry entry that find ccleaner...

C:\Users\your nick\AppData\Local\Mozilla\Firefox

C:\Users\your nick\AppData\LocalLow\mozilla

C:\Users\your nick\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla

C:\Users\All Users\Mozilla


perhaps some other places


hkey_current_user - software - mozilla and mozillaplugins

hkey_local_machine - software - mozilla and mozillaplugins